Wednesday, 22 December 2010
A long overdue update
The good news is that life is great. The new flat in Bristol is fantastic and I'm really enjoying living hear. I already feel that my game is improving and that the decision to move here was a good one. By surrounding myself with other poker players I've given myself the best chance to be successful in a healthy environment.
My results thus far have been a little disappointing but that doesn't concern me. I'm enjoying playing and have increased my volume significantly since the move.
I'm really trying to stay positive and look forward to next year. Before i can do that however i need to be honest about the last 12 months. I haven't played anywhere near enough poker and still have a lot to work on. I'm pretty much in the same financial position as i was this time last year and that isn't good enough. Just because I'm lucky enough to pick and choose when i play this shouldn't result in an excuse to be lazy and go through long periods of hardly playing.
I set myself some targets at the start of the year and i haven't come close to hitting any of them. I'll admit that winning the WSOP main event was a little ambitious but the other three were certainly achievable. To have failed so miserably is extremely disappointing for me.
If 2012 is going to be different i need to take things more seriously and dedicate a lot more time to both studying and playing. I think I've taken the first step by moving away from London to be amongst fellow professional players. If i can stay focused on making good decisions then i see no reason why next year can't go a lot better than this one has.
Away from poker the last few months have been fairly quiet. I've been in London a lot seeing the girlfriend and been on a couple of holidays. One was a trip to Florence which was very enjoyable and the other was the golf holiday to Okehampton that i somehow managed to win! I really love the annual boys trip and i really hope that we keep it up for the years to come. I was really happy to win but i felt a bit guilty playing off such a high handicap having played so many rounds leading up to the competition. Looking forward to getting down there next year and defending my title!
I'm heading home for Christmas tomorrow and then will probably be back in Bristol for the new year. Hard to say when I'll next blog but i will try to keep it going, certainly think it's a positive outlet for me. Anyway happy Christmas to you all.
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Life Update
Monday, 12 July 2010
Day 3 busto
On the whole i'm extremely happy with the way i played this summer, especially in the main event. There isn't much i would change if i had to do it all over again. Unfortunately the reality is that i'm now enjoying a fairly brutal $16K downswing. The plan for the next few months is very simple: get back to England and get on the grind. Looking forward to the next world series already.
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Hard Day 1
Monday, 5 July 2010
Main Event
The latest side events did not go well. I busted both of them fairly early, one losing a flip and the other with AA v QQ all in pre. Away from the tables Vegas life has been a lot of fun. We've just been hanging out, drinking, watching the world cup and going out a lot for dinner/drinking/crazy shenanigans. A couple of the people in the house have been involved in some really fun situations with the ladies, most notably one William Brewin. Whilst i'm happy to write anything about myself on this page it probably isn't fair to write about his exploits, no matter how entertaining. Anyway i'm glad to report that on a personal note i've been behaving myself a bit better this year. My diet had been appalling and i've done very little exercise but life is good and i'm enjoying the whole Vegas experience, now to go and win the main event!
Sunday, 27 June 2010
I cashed!!
I'm playing the $1.5K on Monday and obviously hoping to keep my amazing streak alive. It also looks like i'll be playing the main event but only keeping a small % of myself.
Monday, 21 June 2010
0 and 4
Sunday, 20 June 2010
More Fail
Friday, 18 June 2010
Can't stop losing
Thursday, 17 June 2010
0 and 2
75/150 UTG+1 limps (playing to many hands and not playing them very well). I iso from CO with KQ to 500 playing a 11K stack to his 9Kish, everyone else folds and he calls. Flop AJ10 all spades, i have Queen of spades. He checks, i bet 675, he calls. Turn is off suit 9, he checks, i bet 1250, he calls. River ace, he leads for 3.3K, i call, he wins with A9 no spade. It was quite disgusting for me to lose that one and i never got anything going afterwards. I probably could have folded but it certainly wasn't an easy fold or a big mistake to call in that spot. I'm going to chill for a few days then play the $1K on Saturday.
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
$2.5K 6-max
I think the overall standard in the tourney was quite high. Of the 15 opponents i came up against only 2 were bad players and 6 or 7 seemed to play very well. I think i played well. I certainly didn't make any big mistakes but i think i made one small one. I basically made a bluff that was fine but I'd just lost a fairly big pot and might have had a tilted image. This is obviously a good time to go for thinner value and not make a big bluff, oh well.
Next up is the $1.5K tomorrow.
Friday, 4 June 2010
The worst thing is that i've had to cash a lot out my roll to pay for Vegas. If Vegas goes badly i might have to move back down to $1/2 and i would hate that. I want to be moving the other way and moving back down would be a major blow to my pride. All this just makes the trip even more important. I really think it will define my year and i could very much do with catching a break.
I'm flying out next week and here is a list of the tournaments i plan on playing:
Mon 14th June - $2.5K 6 max
Wed 16th June - $1.5K
Sat 19th June - $1K
Mon 21st June - $1.5K shootout
wed 23rd June - $1.5K
Fri 25th June - $1.5K
Sat 26th June - $1K
Mon 28th June - $1.5K
I really would like to play the main event but I'm going to see how i do in the side events first. I'm not going to play online again in June, think i could do with a month off and just focus on winning a bracelet.
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Groundhog day
After these initial discoveries is where the fun starts. I spend the next 8 hours playing as well as i can whilst the poker gods have a good laugh at my expense until my inevitable exit at the end of day 1. The worst thing about it is the seeming inevitability of it all.
As you can probably tell from the first few paragraphs of this blog, my trip to Coventry was not a successful one. My starting, (and finishing) table was again very soft but yet again it was unable to do much about it. The first level was hilarious. I lost with KK to 33 on a J4386. Thankfully i was saved by a retarded opponent who didn't understand bet sizing. Next up i lose 99 to 43 when it comes 633, (he decided that his hand was good enough to defend v my UTG open). Next i have to fold AK when i smash the bus into AA. I the lose 77 twice multi way and then have A8 v an unknown over pair when i fold to his 2x pot bet on an 864. If my opponents were even somewhat competent i would have probably gone busto but all in all i was very happy to have only lost 30% of my starting stack.
I spent the next 7 levels totally card dead playing very few hands. I was able to grind back to my starting stack but unfortunately for me that was all i could manage. I think my exit hand was very standard and all in all i see nothing i could have done differently. Yet again I'm content with my performance but left amazed at how bad the last 2k hands of live poker have been.
Can't believe what a whinny little girl i am sometimes!!
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Quick Update
The good news is that away from poker life is great. The flu is gone and the asthma pumps have helped a lot with my breathing. I swam half a mile earlier today and felt fine. I'm going to run a couple of miles later and see how i feel. I really hope i can maintain a healthy lifestyle for a while because i've been letting things slip. No exercise and lots of takeaways make Eddy a chubby boy!
I have a very strong feeling that this week will determine how much poker i play before Vegas. If things go well i could easily get my appetite back and play 30 hour weeks. If things go badly i might end up throwing my monitor out the window!
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
The end of my live drought
I was home alone last Saturday so i decided to head to the international to watch the Spurs game. As well as being a good poker venue the club also has a wide screen to watch the games and serves good food, easy decision. After a great game and a very important victory for my team i decided to play the weekly £150. Now this tournament isn't great value. The level of play is quite high, the field quite small and the structure is obviously quite fast because it's a 1 day event. Despite all these negative factors i ended up 4 handed and we decided to do a chop. Two guys had about 180K in chips, i had 160K and another guy had 90K. After some smooth talking i managed to negotiate a good deal. The top 3 got £1750 and the other guy got £1450. If the blinds had been lower i wouldn't even think about a deal this generous but at 5K/10K my edge was fairly small so i was just happy to take the cash.
The online situation hasn't changed much since my last blog. I haven't been more than $3K either side of even this month and it's been a little frustrating. Every time i have a good day and feel like I'm ready to go on a rush and make some money i end up losing money in my next few sessions. The good news is that I've been a lot more level headed about it all since my last post and i feel like I'm playing well again. I really hope i can have a strong end to the April and avoid my first losing month since September 2009. I've still never had a losing month playing cash when I've played over 10K hands so this is the record i really want to hold on to.
Unfortunately I've had some bad news about my health. I've been struggling with my breathing over the last few months so i went to see the doctor. After a few tests she decided that i have asthma. My dad and sister have both had it for most of there lives so it wasn't that much of a shock really. I'm not to upset about it and it's nice to have the inhalers on hand to help when I'm struggling to breath. The worst think is that I've had a bit of flu recently which obviously makes things ten times worse. My nose has been completely blocked and this isn't really ideal when breathing is the major issue.
Anyway I've been feeling progressively better over the last few days and am now looking forward to going up to Manchester tomorrow for the GUKPT. I'm playing day 1B on Friday and obviously it would be nice to have a decent run after making the final table last year. I hope the next blog is a tale of victory!
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Running out of momentum
I think one of the best things about losing is that i tend to learn things. Even if it's not learning new things but reinforcing certain things that i might have temporarily forgotten. I'm not going to go into the boring details but there have been certain things about my play that I'm not happy about. The good thing is that i recognise what they are and can take fairly obvious steps to change them.
The Ski trip was loads of fun. We only had 4 days but i really enjoyed everything about Chamonix. The trip also reminded me how insanely lucky i am. For most people a holiday is an important break from work, my whole life is a break from work!
Since my return to London I've not been up to that much. Liam and Ant are both changing jobs and have the next couple of weeks off. Basically that means that i won't be playing much poker. It does mean that i'll be playing a bit of golf, fifa 2010 and ping pong. I played my first round of golf of the year last week and it went quite well. I was crap on the front 9 but played a strong back 9 and tried to think hard about what i was trying to do with every shot, just need to work on the execution now. I also hit one of the best shots of my life on a 150 yard par 3 when i ripped a 7 iron 1 foot from the hole.
Hopefully my next blog will be about my winning $10K in a week but until them some advice; go to the cinema and watch Kick Ass. It's brilliant!
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Live V Online
Ant Forrest and Will Brewin stayed at ours most of the week which was a lot of fun. We basically played a load of 25/50p and fifa 2010. I didn't win any money obviously but it was nice to see the team dropout boys. Will ended up cashing for £4.8K coming 14th in the main. That position really sucks but i'm sure one of us will ship a decent live score soon. On that subject i haven't cashed in a live tournament for nearly a year now. I think i've played about 25-30 which seems quite a lot but when you think about the number of hands it really isn't. I just have to mkae sure when i am playing live i'm playing my best and hope the cards turn for me.
I haven't worked out my exact profit for March but i think i made something like $3K. I jerked so much cash off on stupid things and also lost about $1K staking which sucks. The plan for April is to grind fairly hard then go to the Manchester GUKPT and win that.
I'm going Skiing tomorrow with Juliet and my sister. We're only going for 5 days but it should be fun and i'm looking forward to getting out the country.
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
The days when it all goes wrong
The 11am experiment is still in it's infancy but i slept 5 hours the first night, 10 hours last night and both times did not wake before the alarm. The plan is to sleep at 2am tonight and try to rock the 9 hour pattern.
Shutter Island was a very good film. The acting was excellent and i would recommend it to anyone, 9/10. I'm looking forward to the champions league tonight and i really hope Inter can knock out Chelsea. I know a lot of people always support the English clubs in Europe but i have never understood that logic. I don't like the way Chelsea play and i don't like it when billionaires take over clubs and starting paying silly money to build an all star team who don't give a shit about the club.
Sunday, 14 March 2010
The 11am experiment
My increased interest in the subject has come through observation and discussion. I've lived with Antony 'big tone' Yousefian for the last two and a half years now and i would say he has had approximately an average of 7 hours of sleep a night over that period. I on the other hand would be much closer to an average of 10-11 hours. Now when you start to add that shit up it's a hell of a lot of sleep! I guess without really knowing the affects of the difference I'm really interested in what they might be. Ant is a very driven, productive person though and has simply got use to working and maybe even thriving on a lack of sleep. Comparing the two of us is effectively a waste of time because we're different in so many ways.
A more appropriate case study might be to compare myself with another friend, Joe 'razzle dazzle' Whittaker. Now Joe is a full time poker player as well but he sets his alarm most days and tries to sleep for about 8 hours a night. His sleeping pattern is all over the place but the key variable is the amount of hours which remains constant. In terms of productivity Joe plays a lot more than i do although like me can sometimes lead an unbalanced life. I guess what I'm trying to answer is whether or not the huge number of hours I've spent asleep is having a negative affect on me as a person? I've stopped exercising over the last 2 months and have eaten a lot of junk food. I've also not been putting much volume online but that being said when i have played I've being focused and playing fairly well.
Maybe I've just got used to having a lot of sleep. The human body needs sleep and my own is simply getting all it can. Is there even a thing as having to much sleep?
I realise I've been asking a lot of questions in this blog but that's come from a total lack of knowledge about the subject. I feel like a kid who's trying to work something out for the first time; a bit like i imagine CashyP feels on a daily basis.
Anyway back to the title of this blog, the 11am experiment. The plan is to set my alarm for 11am everyday until the end of April. If i get up before 11am that's fine but 11 is the absolute latest I'm allowed to get up. I'm hoping this will help me in two ways. Firstly i hope to get myself back into a healthy style of living. Getting up early obviously results in more sunlight and therefore more going to the gym, swimming, running, sculpting the guns etc etc. Secondly i want to be able to start answering some of the many questions that I've asked in this post. Will i be going to sleep the same time every night by the end? Can i function on less sleep etc? The best thing about the experiment is even if it turns out i do need 10 hours of sleep a night I'll still be up at a reasonable hour so it's win win for me. The hardest morning is going to be the one coming up, it's coming up to 5am and I'm not very tired yet. Should be fine getting through the day then we're all going to see the new Scorsese film tonight night which I'm very much looking forward to. Overall I'm actually quite excited about the experiment and hope i can stick to it. I think the biggest potential problems are hangovers and late night sessions but I'll try my best to stick it and will be blogging my progress.
Just a quick paragraph on my poker exploits. I've been running really hot for the last 8 days and have made $10K playing 2/4 and 3/6, mostly heads up. I've also managed to avoid having a losing day so really hoping i can maintain the streak as momentum is obviously important in poker. I've been playing close to my best which is also a nice bonus. Peace and love to you all.
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Getting into bad habits
It will always come down to the fact that I'm lazy. The worst thing about my laziness is my acceptance of it. I've been lazy my whole life and to be honest I've never really understood why people spend so much time doing things they don't want to. I like to do what i want, when i want and for a large percentage of my time that means relaxing in comfort.
The game of poker has been both good and bad for my natural laziness. On the plus side it gives me something to work on, makes me concentrate and challenges me on a daily basis. On the other side of the coin it's created a way for me to make quite a lot of money with not much effort. I'm 23, have no degree and 'work' an average of 15-20 hours a week. The sick thing about this little story is i make more than most Oxbridge graduates my age and i don't pay tax. I don't want this post to turn into a shameless brag but for a lazy fucker I'm doing OK for myself.
I'm sure a time will come when I'll have to think about making some major changes in my life. When that time does arrive i want it to be through choice and not have been forced from going broke. The idea of busting my roll is petrifying. The scariest thing about it for me is the idea of trying and failing at something. I'm use to mediocrity. I was mediocre at school and I've always been a mediocre sportsman. The reason I'm OK with this is the reason behind it. I never worked hard at school and I've never really worked hard at sport. What i have worked hard on is poker. If i went broke i know my family and friends would help me through but I'm not sure i could ever get over trying and failing at something.
You'll be glad to hear that's the soul revealing, philosophical side of the blog done. I never really plan what I'm going to write on this page and sometimes things just spill out. Back to my recent poker activity:
Live poker sucks! I played 4 events at the London poker masters and cashed in none. On top of that i lost £750 playing cash and another £130 staking, what a superstar! The grand total for the festival came to a loss of £1980 so overall not a good week. As far as decisions go i did quite well. If i had to grade my performance at the festival i would give me a B-. I still pushed a little to hard at times and my timing/live reads were not very good at all. As is the current trend with my live outings i did tend to run into a lot of hands. It's so hard to get momentum going in a tourney when you can't make hands and your opponents keep making the nuts. Really hoping i can save all my run good for one tournament and ship something big.
After a 10 day break from online poker I've been back on it this week. Glad to report I'm +$5K from the first 4 days. Most of that came from one guy on party that sucks hairy man cock. My heads up game is getting really strong and I'm still improving. Planning on playing online quite a bit for the next couple of weeks then I'm playing the GUKPT at the Vic at the end of the month. Hugs and Kisses xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sunday, 28 February 2010
End of a swingy month
I've been at home in Broadstairs for the last 3 days and have had a really good time. The four of us haven't spent a great deal of time together over the last couple of years and it's been a lot of fun. We went out for dinner on Saturday to a nice fish restaurant and then for some reason went bowling today with 15 of my parents friends. I scored 106 and 101 but actually bowled quite well and had no luck at all. To make things worse my sister, my mum and my dad finished 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively. Talk about letting the family down! My sister scored 128 and 134, well played!
I went to the driving range with dad on Friday and didn't hit the ball well at all. My swing is a mess and i really need some lessons if I'm going to avoid the wooden spoon in okey this year.
The plan for next week is some good old live poker action! There is a festival at the international and I'm playing in 4 of the events. It would be really nice if i could make 1 final table because my recent live results have sucked! I'm not going to play at all online until the Monday after the festival. I thought it might be a good idea to take a little break and come back fresh and ready to play like a champion. I'll probably blog how i get on at the festival at some point next week.
I wrote this blog on the train back from London:
I think it might be the best thing I've ever written, exploring new concepts is fun!
Sunday, 14 February 2010
I should work in Mcdonalds!!
Despite my startling lack of consistency I'm still slightly up on the month. I'm -$1K on live poker outings, thanks to a couple of unsuccessful trips to the international and DTD, but +$2.2K overall. Obviously at the stakes i play this number is fairly insubstantial but it's always nice to be ahead. The plan is to try and grind as hard as i can over the next ten days before returning home for my dad's birthday. I'm pretty much in the routine of going home 3 or 4 times a year now and that suits me just fine. I'll probably post when i get home about how the next week or so goes. It would be nice to keep my streak of $10K + months going but in order to do that I'm going to have to have to maintain a higher level of play and stop tilting it off like a mongoloid!
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Good month, terrible day.
One particular highlight of the previous month was the birth of Noah Michael Alp. Even though the baby wasn't planned i know Mike will be a great dad and I'm really happy for him. Unfortunately for me the birth of this perfectly innocent, healthy child coincided with the worst day of my professional life. I bent over and took it like a champion on the 26Th January, it was not an enjoyable experience! I lost $4K online running like a fat kid on a hot day and then thought i would party on down to the Vic and play some good old live cash. A very generous £1500 donation later and i was left with that wonderful feeling of disappointed emptiness. I know days like these can happen, they have before and they will again but they still hurt the ego as well as the bankroll.
The other money lost live was at the monthly £300 at the international. I started the tourney playing like a superstar, building the stack up nicely and playing very aggro. I then find AA against Joejoe's KK and obviously we get it in pre. He binks on the flop and I'm left with 30% of my starting stack. I'm in no way annoyed about the hand, just one of those things. I am glad however that Joe went on to win the comp for £7K, well played sir! I even got to watch him take it down at 5am after a heavy night out in Old street for Kips' birthday. The night out was great fun and the Ant and i have both agreed that the Bavarian beer house is the greatest pub in London, what a place for a drinking session!
I'm a blogging machine these days, will try and keep it up.
Sunday, 24 January 2010
A cheap failure
I haven't got that many interesting hands to write about to be honest. My first table was incredibly soft but i was very card dead so i couldn't take advantage. Most of the players were just playing to loose before the flop and butchering their hands post-flop. It still surprises me how soft these fields are but you still need to make hands to take advantage. I eventually busted in the 9th level shoving 13bb's from the small blind with K7 and running into A7 in the big, sigh. Overall I'm very happy with how i played and wouldn't change a single decision i made all weekend. I'll be getting back on the grind this week with a few interruptions; Spurs game on Tuesday, seeing my sister on Wednesday, trip to cheeses' on Friday and the £300 at the international Saturday. I'm also planning on swimming a couple of miles so 12 hours of online poker should be a fairly accurate prediction.
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
In live poker news I'm heading to Bolton for the first leg of the GUKPT tomorrow. I'm getting the train up with Will in the afternoon, playing a satellite in the evening and then the main event starts on Friday at 2pm. This is my first major live event of the year so obviously hoping to start things off with a bang. The structure is quite good and in my experience the standard is usually fairly low. I'll probably blog when i get back about some fantastic hero call i made with king high against top set.
Away from poker I'm really starting to get excited about this premiership season. We lost to Liverpool tonight and played fucking terribly but i still think spurs have got a great chance of finishing 4th. The bookies have got Man City as favourites but i think it could be any one of four. Injuries will be a really important factor and from a spurs perspective we need Lennon back as soon as possible. He has been on fire this season and we really lack width without him playing.
I'm going to finish this post with the creation of another life rule:
Anyway the Australian Open is on now so I'm going to bet on that instead.
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Record Breakers
On that subject i've decided to move up to $3/6 NLH full time. I've played a bit at this level and a bit of $5/10 also but this time i'm taking a 10 buy-in shot with no intention of moving down unless i lose the whole $6K. In general moving up in the past has been followed by a period of breaking even until i become a steady winner. I'm seeing it as a challenge and this has to be seen as a positive step. Personally i find poker just as much about the competition as about the money and this is the main reason i'm still in love with the game. My own game has come on a lot at $2/4 and i'm hoping i can maintain this self improvement as i work towards achieving my annual goals.
I'll post when i either lose the $6K or update my progress at the end of the month. At the moment i'm +$10K in January so let's all hope the good times continue!
Friday, 1 January 2010
A mediocre year
All things considered i'm disappointed with 2009 from a professional perspective. Here is a quick review of my various results:
This was certainly where the vast majority of my 'work' hours were spent. I made $75K playing mostly 200 and 400nl, Hu and 6-max. I'm fairly content with this return but not over the moon. In all fairness i hardly played for 4 months of the year so the figure could certainly have been higher if i had managed more than a rather pathetic 250Kish hands which in poker terms isn't exactly high volume.
I'm a little surprised that i actually has a losing year in online tournies but when you consider my volume this really was always going to be a possibility. I only managed around 40 tournies in an entire year which is obviously fairly laughable considering how profitable they are for me. Anyway i lost $5K.
Only played 3 sessions all year and it was all quite low stakes. I made about $1k.
Oh dear!! Lost quite a lot of my own money in these bad boys and quite a lot of other peoples' as well. Lost approx $11K of my own money.
You don't have to be a genius to work out that gives me a +$60K 2009. The low point of my year was GUKPT Manchester where i played an awesome tourney, took the chip lead into the final and ended up finishing 8th. The highpoint has been the last two months online. I've been playing well, running good and have made just over $30K which has kind of saved my year from being a bag of shit. I'm also happy to report that i've improved as a player this year and this is something i'm obviously looking to continue with for as long as i'm playing for a living. I've also really worked hard on my Bankroll management and have never felt close to going broke at any point. I had to move back down to 200nl when i got back from travelling and even though i knew i could beat the higher limits i swallowed my pride and grinded hard.
Personally the last year has been fairly awesome. I'm just a really positive, happy person most of the time and i'm not one to take how lucky i am for granted. I have a great family, fantastic friends and a lifestyle that i just love, happy days!! I had an amazing time travelling with one of my best friends and also a great month in Vegas. Whenever i hit a low point with poker i just try and remind myself of these things and it serves as a great way for me to relax and stay positive. The year certainly ended with a bang with a little get together round our house. It was only about 30 people but i had a really good time and it was much better than going out for new years which tends to be an expensive anti-climax most of the time. Highlight of the night was our friend Bestie getting to drunk to stand by 8pm, getting naked and then being put to bed, i love that man!
Anyway that just about rounds up the year and the only thing to do now is look forward to 2010. Here are some goals that i'm shooting for:
- Make $100K from online cash games.
- Be beating $5/10 at a solid rate by the end of the year.
- Make the final table of a major live event.
- Win the WSOP main event.
I've also added a couple of rues that i will be trying to stick to:
- No drinking the night before a live tournament.
- No playing online before 5pm if i have been drinking heavily the night before.
- No listening to music when playing live, (amazing how much you can miss).
My general plan for the year is to play quite a lot of online cash over the next 4 months. I'll be playing all of the GUKPT main events in this time but won't be playing live apart from that. By the end of April it should be a little warmer so i'll be coming out of hibernation. I'll be looking to play more live tournies and maybe some £5/10 live. I'll then be smashing up Vegas for 5 weeks in the summer and preying i can do better than last year. Break even one time!!! After the series i might do some travelling for a month but i'm not sure yet. The contract is up on the house in september and i'm almost certain i will not be staying in London. I'd love to live overseas but i'm the laziest man alive so this could be a real hassle to set up.
January tends to be a fairly shit month in general but i've never really minded it. I'm going to be getting plenty of sleep, drinking lots of tea and hopefully win lots of $; let the games begin!