Sunday, 28 February 2010

End of a swingy month

I'm not upset to the see the end of February. Another cold winter month out the way in which i underachieved at the tables. At least i managed to make sure i finished up a winner, +$5.4K. I've also been playing better since my last post and obviously I'm hoping that i can maintain this.

I've been at home in Broadstairs for the last 3 days and have had a really good time. The four of us haven't spent a great deal of time together over the last couple of years and it's been a lot of fun. We went out for dinner on Saturday to a nice fish restaurant and then for some reason went bowling today with 15 of my parents friends. I scored 106 and 101 but actually bowled quite well and had no luck at all. To make things worse my sister, my mum and my dad finished 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively. Talk about letting the family down! My sister scored 128 and 134, well played!

I went to the driving range with dad on Friday and didn't hit the ball well at all. My swing is a mess and i really need some lessons if I'm going to avoid the wooden spoon in okey this year.

The plan for next week is some good old live poker action! There is a festival at the international and I'm playing in 4 of the events. It would be really nice if i could make 1 final table because my recent live results have sucked! I'm not going to play at all online until the Monday after the festival. I thought it might be a good idea to take a little break and come back fresh and ready to play like a champion. I'll probably blog how i get on at the festival at some point next week.

I wrote this blog on the train back from London:

I think it might be the best thing I've ever written, exploring new concepts is fun!

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