Tuesday 3 June 2008

massive tilt

Just thought i'd post to say that i just went on mad major monkey tilt and lost $1500 in about an hour. This was started when i got knocked out the super tuesday by running AQ into KK twice in 3 hands and then losing with 33 v 22 all in pre. Then bustted the $109 20K gtd with AK V AQ AIP. I then lost 3 $109 HU matches in a row JJ v 33, 1010 v 99 and AK v 55 all all in pre. Then lost $700 playing $1/$2 this was the pick of the bunch http://www.pokerhand.org/?2708028
In an attempt to win some cash back i then played a $310 Hu match. We pick up the action when the chip counts are wendyx25 3960 and worm tail 40:


Ok so thats 1:


2 in a row no big deal:


starting to worry:



So as you can guess i went onto lose the match in spectacular fashion, i don't think i've ever been more mad than i am now. I hate poker!

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