Sunday 15 June 2008

Close again

So just a few weeks after the agony of finishing 22nd in the 5ooK gtd on pokerstars i was back at the business end of a major comp. As the title of this blog would suggest once again i failed to make the final table and ended up 36th getting $1200 for my trouble (first place $60K) arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
I feel like from start to finish i played my absolute best and would say in all honesty i don't regret a single decision i made. Had AA v QQ twice for big pots which helped a lot but most of my stack came from a lot of well timed aggression. I was able to build throughout the middle stages thanks to a couple of weak table draws and at one stage things were looking great. I then lost a big pot with AQ V 77 and then playing 6000/12000 i found AQ and got my 160K stack all in V sb's 88, 8 on the flop bye bye wendy.
Oh well one day i'll win that race, make the final table and go on and win a sunday major, the sooner the better!
Another piece of poker related news is that i will be flying out to Vegas on july 1st. My friend Will 'the iron man' Brewin won a package with free flights and accommodation for 2 so when he asked me i jumped at the chance and can't wait. I've already been in contact with Jambon about staking and he seems well up for putting me in some of the deepstacks at the Venetian and also the main event (as long as i put some $ up). It's been my dream to play the main event for ages and i'm really looking forward to it also just can't wait to check out Vegas, hope i don't blow what little money i have out there.
We're flying back on the 16th and on return i will hope to have a few war stories to tell, btw if you want to buy a piece of me in the main event get in contact cause am happy to whore myself off at a decent price, it's all about the bracelet anyway, lol.
So plan on playing quite a bit of poker over the next few weeks to win some $ to spend in Vegas, might even hit the gutshot for a bit of live cash and maybe even a tourney along the way.
Once again Newquay was fucking awesome. The weather was great, the banter was top notch and the drinking was excessive,. Think the best thing about summerbreak is that all the people are students or ex-student and everyone is just up for a laugh and making a twat of themselves, i was wearing pink legwarmers and a wife beater for most of the time, a fantastic combination imo. Bring on Newquat 2009!! Bring on Vegas 2008!!

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