Sunday 1 June 2008

Bring on the summer

So as May has come to a close and we move into the summer months i'm not in a particularily good mood. Put quite frankly the last few weeks have sucked big time, the reasons for this are as follows. 1) i'm running very badly indeed. 2) 1 has caused me to make some crazy decisions 3) i hate to lose!
I'm up a pathetic £500ish in may and seeimg as i have spent £2000 its not looking great. I'm trying to cut down on spending but this is proving to be difficult with the whole living in london/gambling problem thing. I played the $530 high roller comp today and got all my stack in on the first level with QQ v AK on a J 9 3 board, boooo. I get my 18K chip stack in on the sunday million at 200/400 with KK v Q9 on a Q 10 6 2 board, OUCH! so i'm running like a gypsy and this has led to some bad calls/bets that has pissed me off even more. I've also been playing some cash games both live and online and these have both gone badly to. Online i've been playing PLO 1/2 and running so bad it hurts. Most of the people that play this level play so poorly its almost impossible to lose but i've found a way. I've also dropped about £800 live running nut flush into house and KK into AA AIP, awesome.
I saved a load of hands but looking through its just beat after beat amd posting them may make me cry. The only good news is that i'm starting to dominate the hu stt's on party I'm mostly playing $55 and have won about 22 of my last 30 which is cool.
Tried to play the main event of the ESOP at the gutshot but they were sold out which was annoying cause the structure was awesome. Played the £100 NLH and the £150 PLO but no result to speak of which is a shame, think my next live festival will be GUKPT Luton at the start of August.
1 week till Newquay i can't fucking wait! Hope next time i post it will be better news, back to the grind.

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