Tuesday 12 July 2011

Day 2 Busto

I busted out the WSOP main event right at the end of day 2. To be honest I wasn't that annoyed. I never got above 60K and it simply wasn't to be.

Trying to change flights so I can get back to the UK in the next couple of days. Will blog when something of interesting happens.

Sunday 10 July 2011

Main Event

Made it through the day with 33.5K from 30K starting stack. Fairly happy with every decision i made except 1. Day 2 is on Monday. Run good please!

Tuesday 5 July 2011


I've now played 4 WSOP tournaments, they have not gone well. In better news I've played a few sessions of $2/5 and am up about $2.5K on the trip.

Played about 6 rounds of golf and have started playing better. I'm averaging about 22 over but would love to get down to 18 by September, probably will not happen.

Playing the main event on Saturday, day 1C. Will post when I'm done for the day.