Thankfully this year has got off to a solid start. I played just under 35K hands of 6max online and despite a poor start (fucking jet lag!!), i ended up winning just over $8K. I can't of played more than 5 tournaments online and truth be told i'm not missing them a great deal; 6 handed cash games are making me a better player and are providing a steadier income. I'm still a big fan of tournaments and in my own opinion still a much better tourney player but for the next few months i'm going to be playing mostly online cash.
I'm also pleased to report that my only two live poker outings of the month have both been a relative success. I've played a £100 and a £300 comp at the international and made the final table on both finishing 7th and 5th respectively. Although making both final tables is showing good form obviously i'm disappointed to have placed so poorly each time; still a £2000 profit isn't a terrible return for a couple of nights work. I'm probably going to head to Nottingham again next weekend to take on those idiots from Dusk till Dawn for the monthly £300, will hope to run better and play better than on my last two outings to the midlands.
Away from poker life is still pretty sweet. We're in the process of sorting out an extension on our current contract on the flat but at the moment things are still up in the air. I'm going to be living in Vegas for a month or so from the start of June until the end of the WSOP. I haven't spoken to Jambon yet about a staking deal but i'm hoping to play 3-5 side events along with the main and will be trying to pay about 1/3 of each entry fee, ship the bracelet one time etc etc. When i get back from vegas i'm planning on doing about 6 weeks of travelling round Australia with my friend Juliet and hopefully with some skiing in New Zealand thrown in as well. After that it's Oakhampton and then who knows, lots can happen before then but for now life is good. I've decided to try and make the blog a monthly thing excluding big occasions (deep run in the main event etc) so anyone out there following this it probably wont be updated until the start of march. One more final exciting thing to look forward to is the RSOP III which is in a couple of weeks, the poker should be fun but the piss up, golf and banter will no doubt be better.
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