As you can see from the graph above february wasn't quite as successful as January in terms of winnings or consistency. I ended up making $5.7K over nearly 45K hands but after getting out the blocks like a greyhound i ended up breaking even for a long period; truth be told i'm a little disappointed.
Two things that i am happy about are my attitude and the the fact that i increased my volume, i'm playing a fair bit these days and still enjoying the challenge of 6 max. I constantly tried new things when breaking even, my playing style, the number of tables i was playing etc but looking through the hands i'm still tilting to often and still making to many mistakes. Having said that i ran pretty badly at times and i think a couple of months ago i may have even have had a losing month with the cards i was dealt because at times it was just brutal. Still i'm happy to have had another winning month and badly want to win $10K in March, i'm still going to be playing mostly $1/$2 this month but i have the bankroll for 2/4 and even 3/6 so if i can get up on the month early i may well look to stop being a fairy boy and move up sooner rather than later.
My live poker was fairly limited in february as it was bloody cold outside and leaving the flat is a pain in the arse. Joe and i went back up to Nottingham to once again donate to the monthly £300 two day event at Dusk till Dawn, the structure of the tourney is excellent and most of the players are terrible but as usual i was unable to take advantage of these important facts. I thought i played decent again but as far as live poker goes if gutshot/the international is my party poker then DTD is without doubt my! It just seemed like in every big hand i played it was me facing the big decision to call or fold, i never had the hand that was value betting/ bluffing it was always does he have my strong hand beat? I made some big folds and one great call but i felt a bit like Negraneu on high stakes poker constantly facing bets, AK when it came 99k9x obviously he has called my raise with 97 off or AA on a 10 9 6 3 2 rainbow having played the hand passive and he shows up with 66. In the end i busted in the fourth level, i didn't give up this time but no matter how bad the opposition are in these things to make a run in a tournament you need a little luck along the way.
My second live trip of the month was the fourth annual Reading series of poker last weekend. The fun started at big cheese's place on thursday night with a darts tournament; i once again scored ok but my inability to hit a double resulted in an early exit with Ben running out the eventual winner with a 3-2 victory of Futon Mike in the final. From there we hit the golf course on friday morning and to my great surprise i actually played well. All in all it was one of the most enjoyable rounds of my life, the weather was great and the other 3 guys i played with (Ben, Liam and Cashy) all had good rounds so the standard was fairly high. Liam took down the 7 man stableford competition with 46 points (good for £70) and i ended up in 3rd with 36. I also won £15 off cheese in sidebets and £60 (main event buy in) off cashy by beating him by 1 shot and another £10 for beating cashy and big cheese at doubles playing with Liam 'the bandit' Kelly. Having played so poorly in SA it was nice to play some solid golf and am now looking forward to my next game.
After golf we headed back to the hotel to check in and grab a shower before the £20 IHO comp that evening. It was great to see some of the lads from uni again and spent much more time drinking and fucking about than playing to seriously. It was no surprise that i busted after a couple of hours and quickly increased my consumption of alcohol to catch up with the few lads that managed to bust before me. Soon most of us were busto and headed straight down to spoons to meet up with even more people and soon it was 15 lads round a table getting well and truely on it; it isn't to hard to guess what happened next. Anyway after we were removed from the premises we soon bundled into bar risa and quickly hit the dance floor, i was off my face by this time and remember a lot of dancing and a lot of hugging other pissed up sweaty men but not a lot else; the night was rounded off by the group splitting; half into the chicken shop and half into the srtipclub, for once i was in the cool half off the group and soon paid up £20 for a lovely young lady to rub her melons in my innocent face.
One hangover later and minus the big cheese (worst man with a hangover ever!) we got ready for day 1 of the RSOP main event. Long story short we started on 12K i had an annoyingly tough table but was determined to give a decent account of myself. I didn't do a whole lot throughout the day but ended up on 28K having played some super solid poker and for once no huge bluffs. After this we were soon in the union and well and truly on it. It was cool to go back to the union and all in all i think we all had a good night, a personal highlight for me was organising a 5 on 5 boatrace in the middle of mojos, god i miss being a student! Day 2 wasn't a very long one for me as i soon lost 10K with J9 of hearts when it came 972 v's KK then lost AJ of spades v Q8 when it came Q65, 2 spades. I won a few small pots to get me back up to18Kish but then ran JJ into Jack 'the lemons' KK playing 400/800 oh well at least i played good. Overall it was a top quality weekend but i don't think we will be going back next year, even though Uni was the best 3 years of my life i think that it's time to move on and Newquay will be are last student trip, can't wait to go out with a bang!!
Away from Poker the 4 of us are moving round the corner so Mike can get his own room finally and not have to live in the lounge. The move is at the start of April and shouldn't effect me much at all really, we will still be in the same complex and still have full access to the awesome facilities that this place has. On that topic i've been such a lazy shit recently, couldn't have been to the gym more than twice last month, simply shocking! Also i've booked my trip to Australia and New Zealand for the middle of July until the middle of September. Jambon has sorted a house for Las Vegas but i need to book my flights at some point this month and then i can think about what events i want to play, one time let me run good!
Anyway think that post brings me up to date quite well. The International is having a festival next week and i'm planning on playing the £500 main event along with a couple of the side events which should be good fun. High Stakes season 5 is starting soon and that should be fucking awesome as usual, hope to look forward to another winning month.