Havn't posted for a while so i thought i would write a big fat blog, the main reason is i just busted out a tourney and i find writing usually helps me calm down and hide from the tiltmonster.
For anyone reading this that doesn't know i have been recently employed as a croupier by those nice people at the G-casino in leicster square. Have been there for a month now and its quite a lot of fun; the people are cool and i'm used to the hours so on the whole think its going quite well. One guy who works there went to the same school as me and he seems really sound; not sure how long i'll stick it but to be honest its quite easy and the pay is ok, only have to do 35 hours per week and have allready dealt to a couple of spurs players (Antony Gardner can't count to 5) so think it could be a while. On the down side i'm not suppossed to go to card clubs but i can play cash in the empire which is ok but it doesn't quite feel the same as the gutshot.
On a poker theme i hardly played for a while but have started to log some serious time of late. Jambon shipped me $5K for 50% of any profit which was nice of him and have already had some good reults, am +$4000 for the first month ($2000 is mine obv). Came 3rd in the 10K gtd rebuy last week for $1.5K, was very pissed off for 2 days after. 3 Handed had 60% of the chips and had both the other players all in on seperate occassions as a 4:1 favourite, arghhhhhhhhhh! First was over $4K and think i left some serious sugar on the table.
The tournement i just finished was the same kind of thing $30 rebuy, $10K gtd with 175 runners, this time thought i would post some hands that seemed intresting at the time then try and analyse them when i was finished to see if my play was correct or just to laugh at donkeys(1 great example coming up).
As usual i went for the rebuy straight away so was up to 6000 chips, rebuy period was a drag and was just watching tv and giving the tourney around 10% concentration. Blinded off a few hands then got the standard donkey double up, took the 4500 add on and was sitting pretty with 16K (just above the average stack) at the end of the rebuy. Think the structure of the rebuys on party are fucking awesome, you can insta rebuy, 50% extra on the add on and 15 mins on the clock, plenty of play in the middle stages; love it!
Won a few hands after the rebuy and was building the stack nicely when this happend to me:
I don't know why people like me so much, guess its the girls name, ty sir. Next hand is a bit of a weird one, i'd been pushing this guy around for a while and as you can see had built my stack nicely, being very active pre flop and felt in control of the table (around 35 players left). Felt like he really wanted to play but he had position and the other player calling left me in an ugly spot:
From what i had seen from this guy was quite sure he didn't have a jack on the flop and he could have a draw, lower pair or ace high. Very happy he checks turn and river but had decided before he acted on the river that i would call any bet cause value betting a 10 in his spot would be tough, he wimped it, continued to play weak for the rest of the tourney and gave up his bb frequentley tomy 2.5 x's raise. This next hand was just awesome:
This cold deck gave me the chip lead and put me on the finl table. Well thats what i thought until this discusting hand went down:
The hand is very sick but two things saved me $75K, first it was bubble time and second the turn killd the action. I thought he may have 2 pair wwhen he called my 3 bet on the flop so this slowed me down. If he re-raised me on the river i think i might pass, the guy was playing so weak would have put him on the house, not a nice hand though. Managed to rebuild over the next hour but was getting annoyed with the fact that the shortstacks were winning 90% of the showdowns and the average stack was getting closer and closer to 12 bb's reducing my edge as we went. This hand was a nice start to my final table (notice stacks v blind size):
In a big tourney you need to win the flips, this player had been quite acive from mp so felt like the raise was the right play:
NICE RIVER!!!! Yelled NOOO at the top of my voice real kick in the balls methinks. This hand got me back in the fight, not sure about calling off my stack with 55 but think when looking at my opponnents stack sizes was a pretty good time to gamble:
This hand sucks:
My standard raise had been to 50K but had lost a few pots so wanted to steal for the minimum, plus the bb was very short so was more than happy to commit myself to a showdown with him, if anyone moved in out of the other playrs my planb was to pass and pick a spot to resteal after i took the blinds. Villans raise to 80 was very annoying, i could shove and hope he folds or could fold and save some chips.I called because i felt i had enough to take a flop and because i thought he had me crushed (his raises had been rare) i didn't think a push would work. The flop was ok and i knew from past experience that he might slow down cause he was weak post flop, his flop bet was very weak and looking back i think i should move in right there, i called cause i was still unsure what he had and hoped he would slow down, he didn't. With 180K back his bet on the turn would commit me to the pot, looking at it now the way he played i think he had AA or three jacks soi was drawing dead, very annoying hand, he probs had 6 high.
Once again i dragged myself back and then;
Only so many hits you can take at this stage but this was the big one, the Q was just a sick card to seal the deal. Ended up 3rd for another $1.5K. Felt like i couldn't do anymore and was very happy with the mid-late stages of the tourney where i rn things and was robbing the nits blind, just need to work on my showdowns.
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