Friday, 22 June 2007

ups and downs

Poker has been very slow for a while now and its getting kinda frustrating. Just found out that we need to put a huge deposit down on the flat and i'm very short of cash which is frustrating. I'll almost certainly have to get a part time job when we move to London unless i start making some money fast.
As far as poker goes today really sums up the way things have been going recently, played for an hour in the morning and made $250 then played for an hour and a bit in the afternoon and lost $200, what a waste of a day!! The thing that annoyed me was that i didn't do much wrong at all and i felt that i was playing my best all day, just not getting anywhere.
Just gonna post a few hands from recent games. Start with a nice one:

The hand pretty much plays itself and i think i probs play the hand the same way as my opponent plays the kings, gotta love that flop though. Next 1 is more of the same:

I knew he had AQ as soon as he cold calls the re-raise and i just loved that river, ship it!

This is my favourite hand of the week, what a donkey!! Might be the worst played hand of all time just so so bad from him.
Final hand of the blog, bit of a cold deck:

I like to try and define JJ as early as possible with 150+ bb's so i don't go broke on a rag board. When he check raises the turn i knew KK or QQ was a very good shout but i was committed and he could have had AA or maybe AK although unlikely and as it turned out untrue.
Gonna play a few tournies tonight and try and get a big cash, feel like my tourney game is still very strong and just hope i can get that bit of luck you need for the big pay day, grinding the low/medium limits is no fun at all!
Bankroll: $4,600.

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