Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Back in the overdraft and on the piss.

Went to London yesterday with Tony to sign the contract on the house. It all looks pretty standard but the 6 week deposit i was made to pay along with the first months rent put a big hole in my finances, £1200 ouch!! So as a result i'm back in the overdraft and the worst thing is i haven't got the money in poker right now to cover this, i cashed out $420 from party but wish i could take more out cause i hate being overdrawn.
On the social side of life i'm really enjoying my last few days in Reading. A few of the guys have gone home but most of the hardcore drinkers are still about which has resulted in some heavy heavy nights of alcohol consumption. Robin's 22nd last Thursday was awesome, the 'random rampage' pub crawl was a great idea (with various bars and time for consumption) being drawn at random. It was very fun and the missions were certainly the highlight of the night, eric running to every pub, alp falling into the old man pub face first and myself having to go commando were just 3 of a long list of hilarios activities. Monday and Tuesday were also top nights with the usual 'who can drink the most' argument sparking off a stupid amount of alcohol consumption. Mark Garbett i will not have a threesome with you, PERVERT!! Think i'm gonna skip the union tonight and just enjoy the final fling on Thursday, comedy club and cheap drink could lead to some emotional goodbye's.
As far as poker goes came very close to a big pay day on friday on two separate occasions. 17th in the super friday and 10th in the 18K gtd on party were again evidence of me getting close but not getting the job done. In the Super friday i ran KK into AA for the chip lead and in the 18K i lost AK v AK all in pre with 26 left (no he was not sooooooted). So not much i could do there but i was happy with my play in both tournies but disappointed in the end results.
Cash has been going well but quite slow, making a steady profit at 0.5/1 and just hope i can get back to 1/2 by the start of August.
Gonna put some hours in tonight then i'll play gain on Friday, might blog after that. Also was having a look at my mate jambon's blog and he said that his two mates lost $25K playing blackjack the other night in vegas. A few of them are over their for the wsop and it sounds like this drunken night may have ruined the trip: not supposed to laugh but it sounds a little funny.
Bankroll: $5,250

Friday, 22 June 2007

ups and downs

Poker has been very slow for a while now and its getting kinda frustrating. Just found out that we need to put a huge deposit down on the flat and i'm very short of cash which is frustrating. I'll almost certainly have to get a part time job when we move to London unless i start making some money fast.
As far as poker goes today really sums up the way things have been going recently, played for an hour in the morning and made $250 then played for an hour and a bit in the afternoon and lost $200, what a waste of a day!! The thing that annoyed me was that i didn't do much wrong at all and i felt that i was playing my best all day, just not getting anywhere.
Just gonna post a few hands from recent games. Start with a nice one:

The hand pretty much plays itself and i think i probs play the hand the same way as my opponent plays the kings, gotta love that flop though. Next 1 is more of the same:

I knew he had AQ as soon as he cold calls the re-raise and i just loved that river, ship it!

This is my favourite hand of the week, what a donkey!! Might be the worst played hand of all time just so so bad from him.
Final hand of the blog, bit of a cold deck:

I like to try and define JJ as early as possible with 150+ bb's so i don't go broke on a rag board. When he check raises the turn i knew KK or QQ was a very good shout but i was committed and he could have had AA or maybe AK although unlikely and as it turned out untrue.
Gonna play a few tournies tonight and try and get a big cash, feel like my tourney game is still very strong and just hope i can get that bit of luck you need for the big pay day, grinding the low/medium limits is no fun at all!
Bankroll: $4,600.

Sunday, 17 June 2007


Just had one of my classic cash game sessions where things start bad, get worse and really go off the rails towards the end. I played bad, ran bad and lost about $400 in an hour. The one positive thing was i got the hell out of the 4 tables when i knew that i was on major tilt cause think i could have lost a lot more like in the past. btw my 1 hour 'steam game' record is $1200 which was at $1/2, that was a lot of fun!!
So instead of just tilting off my rubbish little bankroll i decided to call it a night and blog the damage, start with this classic which you could take right out of the meat of supersystem:

I think i play the hand the same way 90% of the time cause i give myself a chance to win the pot 2 ways. He insta called the last $52 so i think the fact i started the hand with 80bb's and not 100 is not that important cause my opponent clearly thinks top pair 3rd kicker is the nuts!!

This last hand could have been a lot worse and i lost the minimum, saved by the shortstack and the paired board. As you can see from my chat though i put my opponent on a 10 and not AA.
Poker players worst nightmare for cash games and deepstacks:

I fucking knew it as well but at its a sick spot and i can't be to upset.
At first glance this 1 may look like another cold deck:

It wasn't a cold deck it was just tilty shit from me as ever! He played the hand so bad that i knew he had Q 10 it was soooooooooooo obvious and i can't believe i made this call really pissed me off and i think it may have started the tilt.
Least i got 1 nice one:, shipp itt!!

So a bad bad night on the tables and the last thing i want to do at the minute is play more, got a cash in the 300K gtd but was average stack with 200 left and ended up in 170th thanks to losing two all in pre showdowns with J 6 v A 9 and 5 4 v QQ, what a cooler, lol.
Ant is playing an stt satt for the EPT, live in London tomo night and he gets to take 3 people along for support, hotel, booze and food thrown in for free which sounds nice. Going with Ant's bird hatts and greg which should be a laugh. Really hoping Ant can be the first Reading uni man to play in a major tv event and i think he has a pretty good chance as long as he can stick to what he is good at, winning coin flops! He is the best i have ever seen at this and i figure as long as he gets it all in pre and doesn't see a flop he should be ok. That's a bit harsh but yousefian is the only good palyer i know who can make rookie mistakes now and again.
Gonna get some sleep, may watch some more 2007 heads up championship on pokertube, the show is ok but the structure is kinda shit and you see very few hands, the commentary sucks and the blinds are 200/400 on 1 table and the next thing you know its 800/1600 on another so the editing is bad, apart from that its ok, bring on high stakes season 4!

Saturday, 16 June 2007

great day at $0.5/1

Its just gone 9.30pm and i'm having a great day playing 4 tables of $0.5/1. So far i've played for about 5 hours, broken down into 3 sessions of just over an hour and a half each. I think the Newquay tripped has helped, although my body is still recovering, i feel mentally very fresh and am enjoying playing whilst maintaining my focus very well. As well as this i'm simply running great, making lots of sets at the right time as well as making some good calls, the best part however is that i've been folding a lot of marginal spots on the river. I read an article recently by phil laak who said, "when your facing a bet on the river and you don't know where your at, 80% of the time your beat". I agree with this 100% and although i'm sure i've been bluffed today i know that in the long run folding these types of spots is major +ev at all levels of the game.
Lots of hands to go through. Start with this classic:

I had just sat down at the table and this point and was loving it!! I knew i could be beat but i'm never folding cause most of the time my opponents would have the hands they did. This hand is also a great lesson to all new players, BET THOSE SETS!! By betting i give both very little chance of folding, i feel sorry with for the guy with AA cause that's a tough spot but if i check raise 3 bet then a good player may fold the aces, thankfully i'm not a retard.
This hand is funny:

Yes the guy puts his last $40 in on a paired board with a gutshot!! ty donkey.

This last 1 was a very good call by me, that sounds quite arrogant but the ace of clubs could well have been the worse card in the deck for my hand. At the time i actually said out loud, 'i don't believe you'; he had would i put him on, on the flop. Would have saved myself a tough call though if i had re-raised pre!!

This hand was very nice indeed, not much to say cause its just a basic cold deck, BET THOSE FLUSH DRAWS:

The next hand is a little sick cause i hit the turn and he can't really fold when he makes 2 pair:

One thing i will say is that maybe he could bet the flop (i fold). Or check raise the flop (i fold). The check call is a pretty lame play and i feel that even if my opponent had missed the river he would still have to probs call with the odds.
Next hand is your classic party poker donkey!:

He calls 3 more oop pre with K 4! As far as the rest of the hand goes he's a little unlucky to smash the turn. I like my raise on the river a lot of muppets would be happy to flat call and take the pot thinking they had the beat hand: hence why blocker bets are very good idea. However i can smell a blocker bet when its soooooo obvious and i wanted his last $35.
The next hand is a great flop for me obviously and i bet it strong:

I 3 bet pre to try and define my hand. We both have over 160 bb's and there is no way i'm going broke on a rag board, the flat call was nice by him cause i'm gonna fold to a 4 bet but i'm still sure i'm behind to an overpair, he may have AK. When the flop hits i'm thinking about his range: QQ, KK, AA and AK. 10 10 is an option but never crossed my mind. I thought about the check raise but with $130ish back he would bet around 40-50 with all of those hands and would fold QQ for the rest and maybe AA and AK if he was good. By betting i'm trying to get him to shove or call the push, which he did on the turn. By playing like AK i don't blame him for calling off 2 bets: shippppp it!!.
This was a pretty bad play by me:

I had his exact hand by the river and technically its a tough call on that board, in reality i've played the hand so weak that its a pretty ABC call cause how can i have a K? Also he made such a weak bet on the flop surely with an ace i re-raise here; this is what i should have done.
Great flop for the small blind, even better flop for me in the big blind:

He was drawing dead on the flop and i'm a little surprised he doubles my $98 with no kicker, i probs play the hand the same as him with 1 small change, fold the turn and save myself $80, quite a big change then.
Another donkey:

He puts his last $55 in on a paired board on the turn with a 7 high flush draw, thank you x
Last hand bit of a cold deck:

I think his range is quite high on that board so i don't mind the hand, well played by betting the flop.

Overall i'm up $900 on the day which is very nice. Shame i played the super Friday and $20k gtd after my last blog which cost me $314 combined. Maybe seeing the role below $4K gave me some motivation. I'll probs play the $20K gtd at 12 tonight on party hope the great day on the cash tables can move into the tournament arena.

Friday, 15 June 2007

Oxford to Newquay

The last 5 days have been fantastic and have literally flown by. When you consider that I've spent all my time playing poker, drinking and prating about on the beach its easy to see why its been so good.
Oxford was a lot of fun and very interesting as far as poker goes. On arrival i quickly ran into flash, JD and Tomo who all looked as tired as i did; i was also informed that my hero and teacher Jambon would not be present and a tear was shed. In my last post i said that i didn't want a table full of nits during the rebuy and thankfully a 3 way all in on the first hand dispelled this concern. The rebuy went well for me and i managed to end up on 9.7K thanks to very little skill and some serious luck (its hard to fold 10 3 off when your almost getting 2 to 1). As far as opponnents go i had the usual mix of muff stations and fellow enthusiasts with the odd player that actually knew what he was doing thrown in. The bad news was the chap 2 to my left looked familiar for the wrong reasons but i've never been scared of good players and i was really looking forward to starting the 'real' poker.
Unfortunately this excitement turned to bordem over the next 2 hours as i was dealt utter crap. In general the table was very slow and the only thing keeping me interested was dealing the table and watching my opponents. I managed to succeed in stealing a few small pots but regrettably the only big hand i played in this session saw me lose nearly 3000 chips.
At the end of the 100/200 level i was dealt QQ in early and made it 550 total. The CO calls and we go heads up to the flop (he has been playing to many hands pre and seemed to be quite weak so i'm a happy bunny). We see a 9 8 3 board and before i get a chance to act he insta checks!? After the table quickly explains that its me to act first for some reason i check in front and we see a blank 2 on the turn. Once again he checks!! FFS! What the hell is wrong with this kid the rules are pretty simple and he's playing a £20 rebuy not a £2 freezeout!! I can't get over how excited he looked to be checking out of position at the speed of light but i go ahead and bet 800 in an attempt to make some sense of this situation (also to try and win some chips), did u guess it? of course he announces raise!! i mean come on wtf? he's insta checked out of position twice and now he's putting my 800 and 1300 more into the middle. Of course i give him my confused do you know who i am look and the rest of the table is in a similar sense of confusion. At this point i have no idea at all if i'm miles ahead or miles behind so i do what most players do in this spot, give it some big talk and call. I eventually get my chance to act first on the river and make a pretty standard check when a 7 hits. He moves in for 4100ish and after a lot of time i muck. Thankfully for me he was out 10 minutes later and he was kind enough to tell me he had 99 for top set, sir you are my hero.
By the break i was down to 7000 with blinds going to 250/500, oh dear. I was lucky enough however to get into the mind of a poker genius at this point and go over to the cash game to watch Mr James Saunders get it all in pre playing 10p/20p for 250 big blinds with 8 7 sooooooooooooooooooted; how the other guy called with AK off i will never know.
Back to the tourney and soon after the break i was informed the table was being broken (bit disappointed i hadn't got a chance to push with filth and get my outdraw double up) but i would have to wait for another spot. The next table was one of the best and funniest i have ever had the pleasure of playing on. Two to my right was Mr Scott O'Riley (poker pro and 54th in the 2006 wsop main event), to my immediate right Mr David Lu (2 time wpt player and warwick poker soc pres 2005/06), finally two to my left Mr Thomas Grundy (1 EPT cash and warwick poker soc pres 2006/2007). Lucky for me the rest of the table wasn't quite as stong, the two guys on Scott's right were both very odd looking and the classic thing was they looked exactly the same. The 'chuckle brothers' were getting a lot of banter from our side of the table and they certainly took my mind off my dwindling stack.
Lucky for me the table change brought a change in luck and i pushed twice with QQ and 10 10 to pick up some much needed chips. I also stole a few blinds with weak hands and got the better of Dave and the rude chap on my left to take down some small but crucial pots. It was at this point that Dave played a very interesting hand with chuckle brother #1 (emo chuckle or ec for short). Ec limped in middle with the blinds at 350/700 and Dave completed from the sb i check and we see a 8 7 x board, Dave checks i miss check and ec checks as well. When the ace hits the turn and Dave checks i think about a stab but feel that could of hit the limper and check as well, to my surprise the limper makes a weak check and a 9 hits the river. Once again we check over to our funny looking friend who looks to be making some kind of value bet/bluff of 1200. Mr Lu then moves in for what i think was around 7K total!! At this point i automatically think BLUFF, Dave knows the kid is weak and is trying to make him fold, also if he had a bare 9 then he would just flat call. After 3-4 mins Ec calls (with a 10/9 - k/9) and dave flips 10 6 for the straight, vwp indeed sir.
After a re-steal all in on Scott with blinds at 500/1000 (had to get that in) i hit my peak chip stack of 17,200. After another break we're down to 42 and blinds of 700/1500. I had 17K still and felt like i was playing well and still having a lot of fun with Dave, flash and Scott (the paedophile banter was classic!). Que the nightmare: blinds 700/1500 and ec makes it 8000 in early, he quickly explains that he didn't mean to bet that much and was trying to bet 4, what a moron!! Stinking of weakness ec has left himself 10K back when Scott moves in for 25K ish on the Co. I look down at 99 from the sb and do not like it 1 bit. I'm 100% sure i have ec beat but i know he's not folding and i know that Scott knows that and has a hand. My problem was that with that muck weakness shown i know Scott is gonna move in with AK and AQ and even maybe AJ, i knew that i could be a 4/1 dog but could he have 88 or 77 here? with 11.5 bb i move in ec hates it but calls off with J 10 off and Scott flips KK arghhhhhhhhhhhh!!
The worst part is the moron makes quads on the turn when a third jack hits to bust me and leave Scott crippled.
Overall i'm very disappointed with the call but i went with my gut at the time and don't regret that part of the hand. I played a good tourney with very little help from the deck but i'll put my hand up and say i dropped the ball on that 1. Well done to Flash for taking the tourney down he was short for most of the day but stayed focused and must have played well to win.
I then played some cash that i'll blog later cause had 2 interesting hands; 1 in 10p/20p nl holdem and the other playing 25p/50p OHL (big mistake by me).
On another note Newquay was awesome!!!!!!!!! The beach in the day was a good laugh and 4 heavy nights in a row were a good way to say goodbye to Reading Uni (a degree would be a better way lol). I'm gonna play some serious poker over the next 3 nights and hope to get a big result cause i need it sooooooooo bad.

Saturday, 9 June 2007

the joys of technolgy

Anyone who knows me will know that i'm a total retard with all modern technology, from computers to microwaves and even anything that needs batteries. Despite this i've found a way to post hand links at last so i'm very happy with this development.
These are all from $0.5/1 and some will make you think that it may actually be impossible to lose at this level as long as you avoid tilt and maintain 35 buy ins, two things i seem to struggle with especially when running bad.
This first one is a great example of the kind of spots that i've been getting my money in with over the last few weeks:

Was so good to finally win one of these. My opponent overvalues his hand and is lucky to find that he is a slight dog and not in the shit.
Another donkey opponent here, actually much more so. He had been playing like a dick since he sat down and i like the fact that i recognised this and pushed back on the flop instead of trying to slow play and then have to slow down and maybe even fold when the river hits:

In retrospect i think i played the next hand kinda sucky and any advice would be great:

Looking at tingles hand we could have got it all in on the flop but there is no way of me to know how hard he hit the flop. I would bet this flop 90% of the time against 2 opponents but i really wanted to get paid off by letting them catch up. The 1 thing i did like however was my flat call on the turn, i recognised that there was a good chance tingles had a draw and was actually yelling heart at the board. When it hit i knew i could make a fairly big raise cause i was sure that the way i played the hand it would be very hard to lay down a flush in his spot.

Last 1 is why i love poker, maybe Ant has been right all this time and pocket 2's are actually the best starting hand:

Still managed to lose $200 to day overall. Played a lot of STT's and they went bad. Big mistake playing a couple of $100+9 games cause it was a stupid gamble and its no fun when it hurts getting busted. Had AQ V KQ in one of these all in on a Queen high board with 5 people left and when the king hit the turn i reacted in a way that was not pretty, least it shows i care i guess.
Off topic its coming up to 6.30am and we leave for Oxford (me, Kieran and Nathan) at 8am. I haven't gone to sleep yet properly but i got 5 hours from 8pm to 1am. This isn't healthy obviously and on a poker front its gonna be a pretty tough field and being fucked on red bull and coffee is not gonna help. The plan is pretty simple with regards to the tourney; we get 2K for each £20 and the blinds start at 25/50 and go up every 30 mins. After the rebuy the blinds will be 100/200 i guess so by this point i want 10K, i'm prepared to gamble for this and being on a table with people that are willing to rebuy will help a lot. Worst case scenario i take the add-on and have a minimum of 4,000 chips so i have a shot whatever happens in the first hour. Overall i know even on a bad day i'm easily in the top 10% of the field and i certainly have the game to go very deep. This will be the biggest live tourney i have ever played as far as numbers go and no offence to Kieran and Nathan but i think they will be out of their depth, hence why i'm gonna try and swap 5-20% of myself with jambon and a few of his mates from warwick who all seem to be very solid players, That way i'm still involved when i bust first hand after the rebuy lol, hope the side games are juicy...........
Bankroll:$4,100 (this trend will end soon i hope)

Friday, 8 June 2007

so close

Today was a day of near misses. I played three tournies and went deep in two of them, i also swapped 15% with cashpoint in two of them and he went deep in both as well. The bad news is neither of us made a final table, the good news is that i played well and feel that i'm ready to once again make some much needed money.
First up was the Friday special $215 buy in tourney, as usual there were about 200 runners. I got off to a great start when the table lunatic doubled me up with AA on a 7 6 3 rainbow, he had 9 6 and had made it 210 to play UTG . After i made it 710 from the sb and he called all i had to do was check the flop and let him commit himself, easy. From the 3k starting stack i was soon up to 11 when my kings busted 5's all in pre. One thing that i did enjoy about the tourney was that i was on table 1 and never moved, this allowed me to analyse my opponents but despite this advantage i seemed to be losing pretty much every hand when i saw the flop. In the next 2 hours i was dealt AK soooooted 4 times and despite playing the hand in pretty much every possible way i lost all 4, i even limped with it, flopped the nut flush draw and had to fold it on a paired flop. I was also getting outplayed in a lot of pots by players hellpower1 and cosmictrigger, by the look of their results i'm not sure how. I ended up bubbling in 21st when i ran AK into KK but i only had 14 big blinds at this point so this was inevitable. Cashy did slightly better ending up in 15th but he lost 2 big races that cost him a big pay day. Having said that cashy certainly had his fair share of luck to get that far. with blinds at 150/300 he turned a stack of 2.2K into 17K in 10 minuets: 77 v AQ, QQ on a jack high board against the nut flush draw and AA against 10 10 all in pre, button V small blind. For a man who claims to be the unluckiest player ever thats a nice 10 minuets lol.
In the 18K gtd $55 tourney i got out the blocks quick again when i went for a gamble early with 9 8 soooooted on a 6 7 8 board playing against JJ. With a larger field (approx 460) i decided to gamble more and built a big stack thanks to winning around 5 out of the 7 races i played in the middle stages. My momentum was shot however when i lost a 20K pot at 400/800 with 88 V AJ. I still had 30K but it knocked me a bit and by the time the blinds got to 800/1600 i was down to about 12 big blinds. I ended up pushing with filth and getting caught for a frustrating finish of 27th.
I think by this stage i was getting bored and playing the 20K gtd was a big mistake cause i lasted around 15 minuets and played like a total prick. I then watched 2 episodes of entourage (possibly the best show on tv at the moment) and came back to see cashy (and my 15%) still in. He ended up 26th with 30 getting paid but the way he went out sums up why i love the site soooooo much. With blinds at 600/1200 and a 50 ante it gets folded round to cash in the sb with J 10 of diamonds, he has about 26K before the hand and the bb has about 40. So he raises to 3,300 and the bb flat calls and they take a flop: 9 7 4 with 2 diamonds. Cashy checks and the guy fires 6K. Cash point then moves in for about 17K more and the guy insta calls with 4 2 off!! despite us both yelling for an 8, J, 10 or a diamond (to many outs) he misses and the moron picks up the pot. For me this just sums up your classic donkey, i have no idea how he was still in the tourney but good luck to the guy cause i tell you from the looks of this hand he is gonna need it.
I've just finished a quick sesh at 0.5/1 and i just about got my buy ins back from the tournies tonight so i'll probs play a few more tomo. I'm in a really bad sleeping pattern and plan to stay up all night, get an early one on saturday and wake up nice an early for the Oxford cup cause i hope its gonna be a long day, hope i have a lot to write about on monday morning before Newquay.

Thursday, 7 June 2007

Running bad, playing bad.

I've hardly played at all over the last week and when i have played I've been losing. My bankroll is at its lowest point for 9 months and it couldn't really be happening at a worst time.
Personally i would say that my strongest suit as far as poker is concerned would be turbo STT's. A lot of people dismiss them as an all-in crapshoot with very little skill but in all honesty this couldn't be further from the truth. Although any old moron can win an online STT in the long run (over 100 Stt's) a player will only win if he has skill and a good understanding of the game. Unfortunatley i've failed to cash in my last 10 attempts playing $50+5 turbo stt's, i can't really recall making any massive errors but I've simply been running into a lot of hands and maybe i've been pushing to hard.
As far as cash is concerned its been the same old story, have 4-6 mini winning sessions and then tilt it all off in about an hour. Managed to lose $600 playing 4 tables of $0.5/1 in no time at all and the following 2 hands really sum up the title of this blog. Firstly I'm dealt Q 10 of clubs on the Co and make it $4 when its folded to me, the button folds and the sb makes it $12 (i have $120ish pre and he has me covered). When the bb folds i take a flop and hit it pretty hard: 3 8 J with 2 clubs. The sb bets $16 and its on me. what to do? any advive would be great. I ended up making it $42 and he moved in with KK. i had 2 call obviously and the blank blank saw him take it, boooooooooo. I think maybe i could have called on the flop but i wanted to give myself a chance of winning the pot 2 ways and i knew if we got it in then i have 2 shots at my 12 outs. The next hand was on another table but was pretty much the same kinda thing. I raise with 9 6 of spades get a small re-raise from the bb this time and once again we manage to get it all in on a 9 2 3 board with 2 spades. He has AA and once again i missed. I think the problem is that i'm simply playing to many hands, i like to play very fast but at 0.25/0.5 all the way through to 1/2 most players tend to re raise pre with big pairs and AK so a call with Q 10 is major -ev in the long run and this pot should only cost me $4 not $120. i don't mind losing these hands on the flop because i'm basically even money on them both but i'm simply overvaluing the implied odds with suited connectors because realistically your often gonna get it in with a pair and a draw and the overpair will usually call at these limits.
On a brighter note Anthony and i have found a place in Brixton to live next year. The rent is £115 a week each but the place is really sweet and i'm hoping the move will bring a change in my luck. I'm looking forward to playing live a lot more and will have to do some research on the various poker clubs that the capital has to offer. The place is also 10 mins by bus from the oval and the surrey fixture list looks pretty fun with a couple of games against Kent coming up that i'm really looking forward to watching in July.

Sunday, 3 June 2007

Hello World!!

I stumbled across this link when viewing my friend jambons blog and thought what the hey, if I'm gonna try and make it as pro poker player i might as well go the whole way and let everyone that is interested follow my progress.
As the title of my blog suggests i failed to graduate from my chosen University. Despite my academic failings over the last three years however i feel like Uni in general has been an overwhelming success. I've made a lot of great friends, drunk an obscene amount, convinced the odd girl to let me have a drunken fumble and most importantly found out what i want to do, play poker for a living. Over the last year I've spent around 25 hours per week playing online (mainly on party poker), in this time I've been experimenting with a number of games ranging from $10 STT'S to $530 MTT's with some $5/10 NLH thrown in. My game selection is based on my bankroll obviously but in some cases i have played over my head and as is usually the case in these situations it hasn't worked.
Although i have no official results for the last 12 months i have a fairly accurate idea of what i have made from poker: $30,000 net profit. My best moment was winning the Friday special $215 buy in tourney on pp for $10K. My results on party can all be found on: and as these results suggests I'm certainly one of the top 30 tournament players on the site.
Despite a positive year however the vast majority of my roll has been cashed out and spent on rent, booze and fucking takeaways. I've also been running bad over the last 2 months, not great news when I'm supposed to be turning pro officially on July 1st. For the next month i don't plan on playing much but i will post any decent wins and any tilty cash game sessions which in the end will almost certainly see me fail as a poker player. On a social side i'm off to Newquay on monday with 7 mates from Uni but next up is the Oxford cup next week which i'm really looking forward to. Unfortunatley its a £20 rebuy and I'm a total rebuy junkie!! I hope i can come 4th and make my money back lol.
Bankroll: $5,561 boooooooooooooo!!