Been quite a lot going on since my last blog as the multi-title above would suggest. The first piece of news is that Antony and i signed the contract on our new flat in East London. We're moving in on April 5th with a good friend of ours liam 'the big guy' Kelly and am very excited about the whole thing. This place is the definition of pad, the 3 double bedrooms are a very nice size and the lounge is cool but the best things are the extra features that are included in the price; gym, swimming pool, sauna, hot tub, pool table, snooker table and ping pong! so sick! The area also seems really nice which makes a nice change from camberwell and when we signed the contract we also got to have dinner in the local rstaurant which was expensive but well worth it. Think i'm gonna be paying about £120ish more a month total but i really don't care cause it is soooooooooo worth it, can't wait to move!
Very good news for me as a poker player, my winnings on pary has hit the six figure (usd) mark in just under 18 months of mtt's. This wasn't a specific aim of myn but am very happy about it obviously, all the results are on but the main stats are: total winnings $101,541. total profit $52,032 and RoI 105%. My current rank on party is 48th but these are only on the last 120 days and get changed a lot so although i would like to hit the top 10 someday its not my number 1 priority. It would be really nice to have really accurate stats on my stt's and cash game reults over the last 18 months as well but although i do believe both would be pfofitable i doubt the stats would be as impressive. One thing that does worry me is the amount of money i spend on total crap! I wish i had more to show for my hard work than hundreds of drunken memories and an ever increasing belly, fuelled by pizza and chinese food, i just hope the new gym being a 30 second walk will encourage me to get in decent shape.
Since my last blog am up about $7000 which is contributing to an ever increasing bankroll. Have won about $2000 playing $100+9 stts running quite steady which is what you want as a poker player. The Mtt result which brought up the six figure mark came last night in the 11pm $109 $20K gtd. I wasn't really planning on saving many hand but got a few in:
Think in this hand there were about 30 left and this got me the kind of stack i need to do the damage:
All donations are welcome sir! This next hand is a pretty good example of how i've been running over the last month:
As you can see the stack sizes were quite even and at 3000/6000 there wasn't much play. I put the guy on a hand but i can't fold 1010 for one bet here and when i see that flop ithink the shove is the only option imo. This was oneof the first hands on the final table so if i lose its 10th for $350 and if i win its the chiplead, atleast i had 6 0uts instead of 2 lol. After this hand i ran over the table for a while but i lost 3 or 4 showdons in a row and kept doubling up shortstacks 6 and 7 handed which was quite annoying.
Back to what i'm good at:
This got me the chips back and managed to use them to get heads up with 250,000 v 500K. At this point we did a chop with me getting $5.2K and him getting $6.05K which was fine with me.
Just a quick word on the good old television. The WSOPE is on pokertube which is cool, episode 1 is phil hellmuth at his very best,i couldn't stop laughing the whole way through and am really looking forward to see the final table cause watching the whole thing live i thought the standard was amazing and most of the time i was struggling to put the players on hands. Also good to see the Apprentice is back,one of the best shows on t.v. Glad they kicked out the guy they did cause he was such a prick! Such an arrogant toff and he wouldn't shutup about how clever he waseven though he was unable to correctly price fish, despite being given the wholesale prices and being surrounded by competitors MORON!
Just one final note on my plans for the future. Think i'm going to go back fulltime at the end of July and have a few live tournies i have my eye on for August and the rest of 2008. I'm going to make sure i have the cash to do so and am certainly not going to take this decision lightly.
Friday, 28 March 2008
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Running like God, playing like Jesus.
As you can imagine this blog is going to be mostly about what a sick luckbox/genius i am. Having taken down the $33 rebuy on wednesday for a cool $3500 i havn't really left this sofa (i'm still lying on it as i write this). I've had to get up to piss and get food and drink and stuff but apart from that its just been me and my new best friend, hey when the doctor says rest who am i to argue? My sleeping pattern is a bit fucked up cause i keep sleeping for a couple of hours then waking up but apart from that i'm very happy. The television hasn't let me down (mostly paramount and mtv) and the poker gods have certainly looked after wendyx25 over the last couple of days.
Since the rebuy played another 6 tournaments on party and managed to cash big in two of these. First nice reult was in the super thursday which is a $150 buy-in comp. A few hands from this one:
The usual sick start:
This might look like a stupid overbet on the river but my read was that he had a 4 and the average player isn't good enough to pass so not suprised it worked.
Since the early double up had been grinding away waiting for a good spot and man did it find one!:
When your running well this kind of thing just happens i guess, cashy was on the table (we also had 10% swap) and he was giving me some stick about what a luckbox i am, think he has a point.
Managed to make the final table when this hand came up early on:
I have 0 fold equity in this spot so to move in i must think i have the best hand. It was really marginal because i can't put him on an overpair and thought that if he had J10 - A10 he would flat call to see what i did on the turn but maybe not, in retrospect think i got bluffed but i could have 2 outs so its not a terrible pass.
Didn't really get any good spots to steal and didn't find a hand for a while but a few palyers were knocked out so that was cool. LUCKBOX SHOVE:
This was the last piece of luck for me in the comp, ran AQ into AK soon after and ended up 5th for $1.4K. Played a good comp and was card dead for long periods so no complaints from me, it was good to be back on the final table so soon.
A couple of power naps, lots of television and a takeaway later the cards were back in the virtual air and i was off and running in the $20K gtd last night. After the standard donkey double up early on played this hand soooooooo bad:
To all the kids out there this is not how to play AA, at the time the 2 guys behind were playing quite loose so was preying having gone raise, call it might go raise call again and i can jam it but as it turned out this was wishful thinking. Make a standard fold on the river but if i play the hand like i should i get it all in pre v KK and win a huge pot at that stage.
This sucks:
Awesome turn card for my hand so of course we get it in, i hadn't done much swearing until then but i took off after that river.
Won a couple of flips after the bad beat which got me back on track then i had enough chips to show off:
Do i have to move in here?:
Not sure about this one, knew the min bet was weak but i think with the players behind i should just call, lucky i'm running like god or i might have been worried when he flipped AQ.
Onto the final table now:
How dare he raise my big blind! Even though i started the final as chip leader it was a shit start and i thought it was just gonna be one of those bad days when this yukky one happened:
Another dream spot:
Shame about the result, 2outs and he hits them both which was nice.
Won a massive coinflip to make it 3 handed but then lost a huge one with AQ V 33 to give mr quads a big chiplead. The standard of poker was relly high 3 handed with loads of stealing and re-stealing going on and thought that the skill level was about even. Darkhand won a couple of massive hands against ripcurl and either side of those i gambled it up and of course came out on top:
After this darhand took out ripcurl and we had the same chips so was more than happy to deal and take $5300 to round up a couple of great nights for me online. 3 Final tables from 8 comps is awseome and have ended up winning about $10K in 3 days which is about as good as it gets. Been running great obviously but more than happy with my game and amazingly havn't tilted much at all.
My mate Alec 'the boy' howard was watching the final table from his uni house in Norwich and we were having some good banter over the phone which was cool. After the final we had a look for a juicy cash game to muff around in, omg did we find one! $1/2 6 max game, average pot$180! Basically just this one belgian dude who was one of the biggest donkeys i've ever seen. He was making it like $75 pre, then he would limp, betting $2 into a $100 pot then $150 into a $5, calling bets with jack high on the river, oh it was sweet!! wish i had saved some hands but me and A lec were to busy weeting ourselves at his antics. At 1 point he started getting lucky and got up to $1900 but soon spazed it off! The thing is with players like this you need to make some hands cause bluffing is not an option. Lucky for me i did we got it all in pre with me AK v 33, AA v AK and JJ v kk so the one time he had me crushed i still won, so sick! ended up winning $900 net profit which was cool and he spewed $2000 ish all over the table, the waiting list got up to 5 but he left after an hour and of couse i left the hand after, well done to Alec for a good spot! And well done to the poker gods for making me an absolute Luckbox! time for a power nap.
Since the rebuy played another 6 tournaments on party and managed to cash big in two of these. First nice reult was in the super thursday which is a $150 buy-in comp. A few hands from this one:
The usual sick start:
This might look like a stupid overbet on the river but my read was that he had a 4 and the average player isn't good enough to pass so not suprised it worked.
Since the early double up had been grinding away waiting for a good spot and man did it find one!:
When your running well this kind of thing just happens i guess, cashy was on the table (we also had 10% swap) and he was giving me some stick about what a luckbox i am, think he has a point.
Managed to make the final table when this hand came up early on:
I have 0 fold equity in this spot so to move in i must think i have the best hand. It was really marginal because i can't put him on an overpair and thought that if he had J10 - A10 he would flat call to see what i did on the turn but maybe not, in retrospect think i got bluffed but i could have 2 outs so its not a terrible pass.
Didn't really get any good spots to steal and didn't find a hand for a while but a few palyers were knocked out so that was cool. LUCKBOX SHOVE:
This was the last piece of luck for me in the comp, ran AQ into AK soon after and ended up 5th for $1.4K. Played a good comp and was card dead for long periods so no complaints from me, it was good to be back on the final table so soon.
A couple of power naps, lots of television and a takeaway later the cards were back in the virtual air and i was off and running in the $20K gtd last night. After the standard donkey double up early on played this hand soooooooo bad:
To all the kids out there this is not how to play AA, at the time the 2 guys behind were playing quite loose so was preying having gone raise, call it might go raise call again and i can jam it but as it turned out this was wishful thinking. Make a standard fold on the river but if i play the hand like i should i get it all in pre v KK and win a huge pot at that stage.
This sucks:
Awesome turn card for my hand so of course we get it in, i hadn't done much swearing until then but i took off after that river.
Won a couple of flips after the bad beat which got me back on track then i had enough chips to show off:
Do i have to move in here?:
Not sure about this one, knew the min bet was weak but i think with the players behind i should just call, lucky i'm running like god or i might have been worried when he flipped AQ.
Onto the final table now:
How dare he raise my big blind! Even though i started the final as chip leader it was a shit start and i thought it was just gonna be one of those bad days when this yukky one happened:
Another dream spot:
Shame about the result, 2outs and he hits them both which was nice.
Won a massive coinflip to make it 3 handed but then lost a huge one with AQ V 33 to give mr quads a big chiplead. The standard of poker was relly high 3 handed with loads of stealing and re-stealing going on and thought that the skill level was about even. Darkhand won a couple of massive hands against ripcurl and either side of those i gambled it up and of course came out on top:
After this darhand took out ripcurl and we had the same chips so was more than happy to deal and take $5300 to round up a couple of great nights for me online. 3 Final tables from 8 comps is awseome and have ended up winning about $10K in 3 days which is about as good as it gets. Been running great obviously but more than happy with my game and amazingly havn't tilted much at all.
My mate Alec 'the boy' howard was watching the final table from his uni house in Norwich and we were having some good banter over the phone which was cool. After the final we had a look for a juicy cash game to muff around in, omg did we find one! $1/2 6 max game, average pot$180! Basically just this one belgian dude who was one of the biggest donkeys i've ever seen. He was making it like $75 pre, then he would limp, betting $2 into a $100 pot then $150 into a $5, calling bets with jack high on the river, oh it was sweet!! wish i had saved some hands but me and A lec were to busy weeting ourselves at his antics. At 1 point he started getting lucky and got up to $1900 but soon spazed it off! The thing is with players like this you need to make some hands cause bluffing is not an option. Lucky for me i did we got it all in pre with me AK v 33, AA v AK and JJ v kk so the one time he had me crushed i still won, so sick! ended up winning $900 net profit which was cool and he spewed $2000 ish all over the table, the waiting list got up to 5 but he left after an hour and of couse i left the hand after, well done to Alec for a good spot! And well done to the poker gods for making me an absolute Luckbox! time for a power nap.
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
injured victory
Had an operation on my in-grown toenail this morning which was about as fun as it sounds. The doctor started by injecting a massive needle into both sides of the toe which hurt like hell and then once it was numb bassically hacked half the nail out. It was quite sick to actually watch it but he seemed to think that it went well; will find out for sure when i go back tommorrow to have the bandages removed. The doc said that the recovery time is about 4 weeks and to rest it as much as possible, he also said to try and wear flip flops which as most of you know will certainly not be a problem for me. I don't think working on my feet will help with the recovery time but am just gonna have to wait and see.
Between my last blog and tonight poker had been quite slow, a few minor cashes online but nothing serious. Once again went quite deep in the 500K gtd on stars and was in a massive pot for a top 5 chip position with 300 left. Wasn't to be though as i continue to run bad in the weekly major online comps. Think i may also be guilty of spending to much time looking at the lobby with the realisation that i have to beat 2000 + players having an adverse effect on my game.
Anyway given strict instuctions to rest i certainly wasn't going to being doing anything productive tonight so i fired up the laptop and decided to play 3 of my favourite nightly comps on party: $55 18K gtd FO, $33 10k gtd RB and the $109 20k gtd FO. Was playing these comps about 3 times a week last year but with a lot less time on my hands these days havn't been able to put in the hours.
Between 8pm-10.30pm the poker was on autopilot as i watched the mighty spurs take on PSV. Was very dissapointing to get knocked out on pens and over the two legs i think spurs were the slightly better side, think i'm more annoyed however with the shit rule that when u finish 3rd in your champions league group you get a place in the UEFA cup, it makes the competion a joke and should be scrapped. Great goal by Berbatov by the way, he is truely world class and hope we can keep hold of him for next season so i can stick £200 on us finishing in the top 4!
Anyway was unable to make the money in the $109 and $55 freezeouts. Played fine in both and just wasn't to be; things in the rebuy however (as the title of the blog suggests) went slightly better. I rebought right at the start to increase my stack to 6K and was pretty quiet for the first 50 mins until i managed to win a massive 3 way all in with JJ v 1010 v A7 for a 20K pot and when i took the add on had myself a very nice 25K stack having spent a total of $93 playing 150/300 blinds. For the next 2 hours thing went along very smoothly indeed, saw a lot of hands and was never all in myself whilst busting short stacks all over the place. At 200/400 donk shoves all in UTG for 10K! I insta call with KK v AQ and the donations kept coming.
By the time i decided to start saving hands there were only 15 left and i was 2nd in chips when this happened:
This was a fucking dream spot for me, The only palyer who could double me up in the whole comp and it was very nice of him to do so (think i fold JJ in his spot).
Revenge is sweet:
This hand was the first piece of bad luck for me in the whole comp and for some reason it tilted me for about 5 mins. I started slagging him in the chat for calling with the jacks and tbh i thought he seemed like a dangerous player so it was a shit time to take a shocker.
Great start to the final table:
All in on the flop when he is dead, sick turn card but its no fun unless its a sweat lol. This got me back in the zone.
I just like to gamble sometimes:
wooooooooooooooooops, well i could afford it and once i flopped the flush draw i was shocked that i missed!
This hand is soooooooo sick! At the time i was pretty sure that when the guy flat called the raise he would lead the flop cause he seemed like a strong player. I call the flop hoping to hit obvioulsy for cheap or more likely bet when he checks the turn. When the scariest card in the deck hits the turn and he leads out i straight away thought bluff. 2 pair is a no no cause he wasn't calling raises out of position an i think a set would check flop like 90% of the time. Obviously even if he is massive i still have a fuck load of outs and i think i would normally shove here. I call with position just to see the river and hope that he wills hove into my made straight or flush. So when i miss and he shoves i guess i have to fold? NO WAY! 4th gets $900 and 1st gets £3.5K great bet by him considering stacks and the other two chip positions but i make what i believe to be a truely world class call. Looking back at the hand i think i should shove the turn but so happy i went with my gut and made a massive call that i'm so so proud of.
Bit of a wobble:
Was quite a tight player but i don't see how i can pass, his play = terrible!
Get all the chips:
Was 100% sure he had a 10 and a was shit river. lucky he is a shit player as well, awful river bet from him but making quads and geting paid is always cool.
Had a 6/1 chiplead Hu and soon finished it with K4 v J8 for his last 6 bb's. Took $3.5K for first which is very nice. Moving out of camberwell soon so had to cash $1800 just to pay for some shit and to make sure i stay well out of he overdraft. Have $5K in my party account now and am not planning to cash any out for a while so hope to build up in the next few months.
Just a quick note on my stt results, had a look on using a free search and the results aren't accurate at all. They said i was up like $7K in total but had me down as having played 190 stt's when in reality i would say its more like 1000. From the 80 games i recorded i was up $1500 so they are defo a wortwhile investment i just don't enjoy them as much as mtt's so am only gonna play about 10 a week or so safe in the knowledge that i'm making money in the long run.
Anyway its now 4am and i have another appointment with the doc at 1.30pm so gonna get some rest. Think i'll play a few more comps online over the next few nights and might hit the gutshot on saturday for the £150, last time i played that got called for my whole 5K stack playing 400/800 by J2! i I only had K8 but still it was like 60% of his stack so i know there is plenty of value in that comp also like the structure.
Between my last blog and tonight poker had been quite slow, a few minor cashes online but nothing serious. Once again went quite deep in the 500K gtd on stars and was in a massive pot for a top 5 chip position with 300 left. Wasn't to be though as i continue to run bad in the weekly major online comps. Think i may also be guilty of spending to much time looking at the lobby with the realisation that i have to beat 2000 + players having an adverse effect on my game.
Anyway given strict instuctions to rest i certainly wasn't going to being doing anything productive tonight so i fired up the laptop and decided to play 3 of my favourite nightly comps on party: $55 18K gtd FO, $33 10k gtd RB and the $109 20k gtd FO. Was playing these comps about 3 times a week last year but with a lot less time on my hands these days havn't been able to put in the hours.
Between 8pm-10.30pm the poker was on autopilot as i watched the mighty spurs take on PSV. Was very dissapointing to get knocked out on pens and over the two legs i think spurs were the slightly better side, think i'm more annoyed however with the shit rule that when u finish 3rd in your champions league group you get a place in the UEFA cup, it makes the competion a joke and should be scrapped. Great goal by Berbatov by the way, he is truely world class and hope we can keep hold of him for next season so i can stick £200 on us finishing in the top 4!
Anyway was unable to make the money in the $109 and $55 freezeouts. Played fine in both and just wasn't to be; things in the rebuy however (as the title of the blog suggests) went slightly better. I rebought right at the start to increase my stack to 6K and was pretty quiet for the first 50 mins until i managed to win a massive 3 way all in with JJ v 1010 v A7 for a 20K pot and when i took the add on had myself a very nice 25K stack having spent a total of $93 playing 150/300 blinds. For the next 2 hours thing went along very smoothly indeed, saw a lot of hands and was never all in myself whilst busting short stacks all over the place. At 200/400 donk shoves all in UTG for 10K! I insta call with KK v AQ and the donations kept coming.
By the time i decided to start saving hands there were only 15 left and i was 2nd in chips when this happened:
This was a fucking dream spot for me, The only palyer who could double me up in the whole comp and it was very nice of him to do so (think i fold JJ in his spot).
Revenge is sweet:
This hand was the first piece of bad luck for me in the whole comp and for some reason it tilted me for about 5 mins. I started slagging him in the chat for calling with the jacks and tbh i thought he seemed like a dangerous player so it was a shit time to take a shocker.
Great start to the final table:
All in on the flop when he is dead, sick turn card but its no fun unless its a sweat lol. This got me back in the zone.
I just like to gamble sometimes:
wooooooooooooooooops, well i could afford it and once i flopped the flush draw i was shocked that i missed!
This hand is soooooooo sick! At the time i was pretty sure that when the guy flat called the raise he would lead the flop cause he seemed like a strong player. I call the flop hoping to hit obvioulsy for cheap or more likely bet when he checks the turn. When the scariest card in the deck hits the turn and he leads out i straight away thought bluff. 2 pair is a no no cause he wasn't calling raises out of position an i think a set would check flop like 90% of the time. Obviously even if he is massive i still have a fuck load of outs and i think i would normally shove here. I call with position just to see the river and hope that he wills hove into my made straight or flush. So when i miss and he shoves i guess i have to fold? NO WAY! 4th gets $900 and 1st gets £3.5K great bet by him considering stacks and the other two chip positions but i make what i believe to be a truely world class call. Looking back at the hand i think i should shove the turn but so happy i went with my gut and made a massive call that i'm so so proud of.
Bit of a wobble:
Was quite a tight player but i don't see how i can pass, his play = terrible!
Get all the chips:
Was 100% sure he had a 10 and a was shit river. lucky he is a shit player as well, awful river bet from him but making quads and geting paid is always cool.
Had a 6/1 chiplead Hu and soon finished it with K4 v J8 for his last 6 bb's. Took $3.5K for first which is very nice. Moving out of camberwell soon so had to cash $1800 just to pay for some shit and to make sure i stay well out of he overdraft. Have $5K in my party account now and am not planning to cash any out for a while so hope to build up in the next few months.
Just a quick note on my stt results, had a look on using a free search and the results aren't accurate at all. They said i was up like $7K in total but had me down as having played 190 stt's when in reality i would say its more like 1000. From the 80 games i recorded i was up $1500 so they are defo a wortwhile investment i just don't enjoy them as much as mtt's so am only gonna play about 10 a week or so safe in the knowledge that i'm making money in the long run.
Anyway its now 4am and i have another appointment with the doc at 1.30pm so gonna get some rest. Think i'll play a few more comps online over the next few nights and might hit the gutshot on saturday for the £150, last time i played that got called for my whole 5K stack playing 400/800 by J2! i I only had K8 but still it was like 60% of his stack so i know there is plenty of value in that comp also like the structure.
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