Monday, 28 January 2008

Heavy weekend

Just got through a pretty massive weekend and a very enjoyable one at that. The fun started at myn on friday night with a 10p/20p cash game at the flat with 7 players. Amazingly i managed to lose 32o pounds in the game playing very badly indeed. From around 9pm to 6am was actually up around 50 quid and playing well, lots of action and was winning a lot of pots with a combination of strong bluffs and made hands.
In the space of 2 hands however things took a turn for the much, much worse. First lost a 120 pot against blubbs with 97 V 1010 on a board of 6 7 10 7 all in on the turn. He played the hand very niceley and i had to make a decision on the turn to raise him all in or fold, i made the wrong one. I had been up since 11am friday morning so the fact it was 6am on saturday didn't help my thought process. I get away from the hand quite easily if anything but a 7 comes on the turn and it was a bit of a cold deck but not to worry. The next hand i played was one i will not live down for a very, very long time indeed. Just a bit of a backround on ben 'big cheese' warwick': i've been friends with ben since the first year of university and lived with him for all 3 years. He learnt to play poker in the first year and fell in love with the game early, adopting a tight stratergy with the ability to pull a big bluff atthe right time. He plays for very low stakes online and has always made money but could have made a lot more $ if he was playing at the level he should be. Anyway ben raises to 80p in ep and cashpoint calls on the co. I lookdown at AJ sooooted in the sb and make it 2.6 total only for ben to re-raise to 6 poundish and cashy to fold. I should fold here and would have if the hand before i hadn't lost a big pot. So i say outloud that i think he has KK, make the call and check in the dark. Flop comes JJ3! BOOOOOM! To my suprise ben checks behind but despite this i still read him for an overpair. We both have over 100 infront of us and i think he wants to half disguise his hand and half keep the pot small. I hit the ace on the turn to make a full house and bet 10, ben thinks for 3 secs then calls. A king hits the river and for some reason i bet 20 quid, Ben raises to 60 and i pretty much insta fold face up sayingthat he has KK or AA. Ben flips Q6 and i can't believe it! The problem was i made up my mind what he had way to early, Ben also likes to make his moves on the turn or river and not pre flop. For this reason when he 4-bet i just pressumed it was a big pair (making my call even worse). Anyway the hand bought a lot of laughter from all the boys and i had to take a lot of banter then and no doubt in the future will have to take a lot more. For Ben's take on the hand check his blog, well played sir!!!!!!!
After this hand went on mad major monkey tilt and lost another 220 in about an hour, with 10p/20p blinds that is quite impressive. Was just playing awful and i made sure that Ant won all his money back by trying lots of dumb dumb bluffs. Then i lost 100 quid on a game of pro evo going down 6-3 with Bayern Munich V Bayern Munich. Despite the tilt and the money was still in a good mood and having a good laugh. We went for breakfast at the local cafe then came back via the bookies (-50) for a cheeky pro evo tourney that i did not win (-5). So i was stuck an impressive 475 quid on the weekend that i managed to win back in about an hour online. Ran really well winning $800 at $2/$4 nlh then another $200 at$0.5/1 PLO , poker is such a great game.
At 1pm on saturday Mike, Ant and i headed off to Reading for an all day piss up with a load of the other guys from uni (still no sleep). Got to the hotel at about 3pm, checked in and went srtaight back out again on a pub crawl that ended up at the union. Was tottally shatterd but got through the day somehow and had a great laugh. Four of the lads are going travelling for a year so was good to give them a good send off and by the time we got back to the hotel at 1.30am on Sunday was out on my feet.
Am working the next three nights and thursday day but Alec is coming up friday so gonna hit the tables on friday and saturday which should be fun and hope to make some more money then.

Saturday, 19 January 2008

Let it Ride

Very sick night on friday involving lots of drinking and gambling, ending in one hell of a hangover!
The fun began at work with some low stakes backgammon, managed to win 3 pints despite only having been playing for a few weeks, but there is enough luck in the game to beat better players, thank god. Also won a tenner cutting for high card, when your running good life is so much fun lol.
Went to a pub in covent garden after work called sulleys bar, quite small but a good atmosphere and a few girls around to perve over. Stayed for a few hours but after a few free beers and a couple of rounds of black sambuca moved on to planet hollywood where the real fun began. On arrival found out that we get half price drinks ( because of work) so bottles of beer were 1.50, very rare in london so made sure i took full advantage.
Now for some reason the conversation turned to then ancient art of ro-sham-bo to the un-educated amongst you thats what we call paper/scissors/rock. I have always maintained that this is a game of skill and seeked to prove this in a 6 man drunken tournament. As usual i was in the zone,crushing my opponenets with some cruel jedi mind tricks. I knew what they were gonna throw before they did and after destroying a Spaniard came up against a southafrican called jason in a best of 5 match for the undisputed championship of the world. As a general rule most players will throw a higher % of rock than anything else, if they are tricky your gonna see a lot of scissors and some well timed paper. Jason throws paper to my rock, paper to my rock and then scissors to my paper for a crushing defeat! I didn't even get one draw! paper, paper, scissors are you serious! Having decided that this was a total fluke we up the stakes and play for some cash, i lose 30 quid and learn a very valuable lesson,no matter how good you are at something there is always someone better. Very good laugh though and after some more gambling on arm-wrestling and thumb wars we moved into the empire casino at 3am (had to be at work for 1.30pm).
Blackjack is certainly not a game of any real skill,i'm a realist and know that even if you play perfect the house has a 2% edge every hand. I still love the game however and will continue to play for fun and the occasional win. Played for about an hour and was about to leave having lost 150 but then i decided to stick my last 20 quid on and let it ride for 4 hands. Won them all and was soon sitting with 320 and a big drunken smile! Am i smart guy? did i cash out? hell no! i did what all decent gamblers do and ran it up to 600 before losing it all back. Once again i was about to leave, this time at about 5.30am but i then found a 50 note in my pocket and stuck it all on. won that hand, stuck it all on, won that hand and stuck it all on again; after about 2 seconds of thinking (having won again) i decided to go for it all again, 200 pound in 5 pound chips and by that time about 12 people round the table all on one box! first card queen, 7 for the dealer and then BOOM! ACE OF SPADES THANKYOU VERY MUCH! Blackjack of 200 for a return of 500 (including the bet). I jump up, knock my 8th pint of the night onto the floor and celebrate with some high fives (most of which with people i have never met before. Went on a nice run after that and ended the night up 500 before the casino finally closed. I get back at 7am just about make it into work the next day and despite the hangover just about make it through a nice easy day shift.
Looking forward to some serious poker on my days off. Gonna paly some sunday tournies online tonight (300K gtd on party and 500K gtd on stars) then on monday gonna play the 00 FE at the gutshot and probs play cash all night after.
Finally just wanted to mention that the dates have been set for the second annual Reading series of poker (RSOP II). The main event is on the last w/e of Feb witha couple of tournies on the thursday and friday. Booked four days holiday off work and am looking forward to it very much, can' wait to defend my iho tourney and hope that everything goes as well as it did last year, been a lot of intrest on facebook and 100 players in the ME looks likely.

Thursday, 10 January 2008

Big swings

Obviously it was gonna be tough to continue my fine run of form for ever and last week i had my first losing live game session for a while. I lost 750 with a pretty bad run of cards and a few bad beats but also made a few bad plays that i wasn't happy with at all. Played again the day after and lost again (300) but ironically for the 6 or so hours i was playing felt like i was on top form and couldn't play any better. Des;pite being up 300 in the first couple of hours the poker gods then decided to have some fun with me. First with 55 V 67 on a very pretty board of 3 4 5. Then with 44 V 86 sooooooted on a board of 4 5 7. On the first hand the other guy only had 150 so that was ok and i managed to lose the minimum on the second hand by check calling two bricks on the turn and river. After these two ugly ones i managed to get away from an ace on a board of A 10 10 10 6 when he raised my river bet, he had limped in utg then called my pot size raise pre flop with 10 5 sooooted! Also had to muck 10 10 and QQ on 8 high and 9 high boards both times V rocks with KK. So i lost over 1000 in two days whick sucked but thankfully poker is a great game and i didn'thave to wait long for the glory days to return.

Glory day number 1:

To be honest this was a pretty standard cash game session. Played well and got lots of action from some massive donks sitting with more money than sense. One guy turned up pissed and i won an 800 pot of him with AA v Q9 on a board of AKQ!!! Ended the session up 500 and was very happy to be back to winning ways.

Glory day number two:

This day started as all the best ones seem to, getting up at 5pm following a phone call from Ant telling me to meet him at the gutshot at 5.30pm. When i stroll in at 7.30pm he doesn't look to annoyed and instead is sitting on a nice 300 profit in the 1/2 game. I manage to convince him to play the 75 tourney upstairs so we both sit down with 52 other warriors and battle it out on the felt. As usual i felt like playing 80% of hands in the first two levels and manage to get it all in early with KQ v AJ on a board of J 10 3. Thankfully i hit the 9 on the river and was up to 10K from my starting stack of 3.5 in no time at all. By the first break i'm chipleader with 15K when i make the nut flush on the river against some total chump who played AK about as bad as you can imo. The stucture wasn't great but i managed to pick myspots well to steal and built up an ever increasing chip stack over the nxt few hours. Also managed to bust Ant durig the 300/600 blind level when i raised Co and he shoved button. I was getting a nice price with my K6 and had the stack to make the call but wasn't loving it when he flipped K10. 6 on the turn thankyou very much! The clock was 20 mins and with levels of 300/600, 400/800, 500/1000and then 600/1200 really enjoyed the middle stages with plenty of play and some pretty weak players to steal from. At the second break we were down to 13 players and i was still chipleader with 38K but blinds were up to 800/1600 with average stack around 15K. Third hand after the breakcame the best momentof my night when 2nd chipleader (worst player left) shoves all in UTG for 30K!! i look down at AA in the big blind, shippppppp it!! He had AK and hit the panic button but good news for me as i started the final with 71K and was massive chipleader. Played very tight early on the final in a desperate attempt to get a nice image back and busted a couple of shortstacks when i had to call there all ins from the bb. By the time we got heads up was even on chips with anothe player who seemed quite strong so with only 15 bb's each decided to chop it for just over 1000 each. Was really happy with the outcome and my play throughout but mostly was a massive confidence boost as far as live tournies go cause i havn't made a final for a while or dominated at tournement at gutshot like that ever.
The night however was to get much better as i ended up winning another 1300 in the cash game. Most of this was at 10am when i limped in early playing 7 handed with KJ . The rest of the table limps and we see a KK5 flop, rainbow. The whole table checks and we see a nice J on the turn to make me the nuts (was also a second diamond. I bet 10 and the button (aggressive internet type player raises to 35. To be honest a this point i thought he had total air and he thought i just had a jack. When the rest of the table folds i smooth call and hope he has a draw that hits the river. 6 of diamonds on the river, i bet 25 and he insta raises me to 125. I hope he has the nut flush or at worst a King and after 15secs raise 325 more. He dwells and dwells and eventually calls with K5. Very sick hand for him even if the only hands i'm gonna 4bet the river with are KJ or K6. So after that pot was up 2300 total on the night. Lots of other pots to talk about but its now 9am and i am fucking shagged. Got in from the cash game at 2pm slept for 4 hours then had to work till 6.30 am this morning, really need some fucking sleep. Probs play again on saturday night and hope to keep the rush going.
Not been playing much online apart from some $2/$4 six max stars and party. Up about $1000 on the month. Came 84th in the sunday warm up on starts for another $1K but was very fucked off cause when youmake the top 100 of a big tourney you need to get the job done, least i beat 3000 players though so not all bad.